Offshore Drilling Jobs - How to experience no drilling undertaken
So, you want a job working for drilling. You know that the companies involved in oil production offshore? In addition to the super-big players like Esso, BP, Shell, etc. Did you know that these big boys do not always have their own drilling? Today they are often forced to subcontract part of the small jobs.
Have you heard of these companies: Diamond Offshore (Houston, USA), Dolphin Drilling (Tananger, Norway), and Frigstad Offshore (Singapore)?How about Offrig Drilling ASA, Scorpion Offshore, Offshore and Songa Drilling ASA Thule? These are just some of the companies in the modern oil industry. In their way, you can give them the modern wildcatters. In the recent fall in oil prices, were the giants like BP and Shell invests in its employees and the technology of oil drilling. But some smaller companies correctly predicted that prices will rise again. They have invested in R & D to develop new drilling techniques and technologies.It's about building new facilities for deep water drilling. These are the guys that Shell and BP are subcontractors for oil drilling services.
If you want to work on an oil rig at sea, there are two important decisions. The way most people think is happening on board, as part of the top teams. If you have any knowledge, probably one or derrickman pumpman be. Otherwise, you must obtain a thug or Roustabout. Drillers are more or less the second in command, and assistant to the oil rigManager. Technically, a thug / Roustabout is a worker. On the other hand, as many workers earn $ 50,000 per year for only 6 months of the year? Unlike a normal worker, who never gets the chance to make his way up to the level of manager, a thug with the right attitude to be a realistic possibility of an operator on a drilling platform. Of course, first he must make his way through derrickman and exercises.
This is not the only way to get a drilling work. If yousome useful trade, as a cook or a doctor, this is a good choice, regardless of your experience rig. You can get the same living conditions and generous crew drill better remuneration for comparable work on the mainland.
Just because it's an oil rig offshore does not mean it has no church personnel. No matter where you go you can not get away from paperwork. We will continue to manage your card. Except on the platform they are called pusher instrument. They work in the riggingOffices and rig floors.
You also have the mechanical and electrical department department. The mechanical department hired the same drivers, mechanics and maintenance supervisors who are responsible for all mechanical operations. The electrical department includes jobs like electrician, electronic technician and maintenance and repair of Supervisors, the flights to all electrical devices.
A work of offshore drilling is a very lucrative career. As you can see, there is no needDrilling needs to experience a hired rig. And now that you know there are other companies such as Shell, are hiring people, you have many opportunities to take action. You can get as part of the drill crew, or as a dealer.
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