Monday, March 7, 2011

The development of unemployment in the United States after the recession

The most valuable assets are in the world, people of an organization or country. The condition of the employee or job is the job are considered. Unemployment is defined in the state of unemployment or work. Unemployment is the poor performance of the nation. Although the U.S. is a developed country has the right to a considerable degree of unemployment. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United StatesMinistry of Labour, was the unemployment rate in the United States, 9% in January 2011.

The likely cause of unemployment

Unemployment in the country is possible because of the common reasons, such as population growth and competition. With increasing population, there is a greater need for people for employment. due to limited vacancies, the number of unemployed is growing, however.

Competition from companies in offshore company can also be one ofReasons for unemployment. In addition to those of seasonal unemployment and technology are also seen in the nation. Employees of companies involved in products of the season right away if there's an end of the season, up to seasonal unemployment. These are the most common reasons that you are at all times. But the economic downturn in recent times is a major cause of unemployment.

With a severe recession in recent years was the United Stateshigh unemployment. Many people lost their jobs due to the inflation rate in 2009. It was assumed that there is a gradual recovery from the economic crisis have been. However, even a certain level of unemployment in those days is seen in the United States.

Millions of Americans are still struggling to find jobs the same year it is difficult to use one. Some reasons are found to be responsible for unemployment in those days. Fewer new storesredundancies in the public sector, high taxes and lack of real growth are some of them. After the recent financial crisis, the number of new jobs in the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen largely to a significant level. Public sector jobs were once considered safe. With continued job cuts in the state and local areas, it is difficult for people to choose jobs with the government.

It 'is well known that theThe tax rate is high for the company in the U.S. and all other parts of the world. After the recession, it is difficult for companies to pay high taxes. Many of these companies are forced out of people. As a result, there are also the loss of many jobs associated with them. The inflation rate has an impact on unemployment. It was noted that at 1.6 percent in January 2011 in the United States. The other reason for the loss of jobs can a Jobserious than other nations. It is believed that the low labor costs associated with China. And for this large number of jobs to be moved from China to the nation in

Unemployment Rate:

U.S. unemployment at 9.4% in December 2010. About 1483 mass actions have been dismissed by employers in December, seasonally adjusted, as measured with 137,992 employees filing unemployment insurance benefits during the month was.

The unemployment rateRate until January 2011 was 9%. The unemployment rate has shown that unless the construction, storage and transportation department in those days. The number of unemployed fell by 600,000 in January to 13.9 million, while the workforce remained unchanged. the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8519, thousands of people lose their jobs or those who work full time for 60% of the unemployed. 5879 Thousands of people are losing their jobs permanentlyJanuary 2011 nationwide. The inflation rate in the United States has been reported recently at 1.60 percent in January 2011.

The effect of the recession is therefore not seen in the nation. Although the level of unemployment fell from 9.4% to 9% from December 2010 to January 2011 to see with increasing inflation, unemployment could rise again can be.



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