Monday, March 28, 2011

10 steps to unlock the hidden job market

Every day I help people in touch with the contacts they need to accomplish. I help them market access to the hidden job market, usually with one goal in mind. Getting an interview.

So how can we help you unlock this often untapped resource? And you, some or all alone? Here are the steps I take with every new client and custom research, yes, with the right tools, you can do much by themselves, if desired.

1. Take a close look at yourSkills, experience and success in your career and training. Think about what you can from these industries and enterprises in which you want to come.

2. Our economy is recovering, but will still need to determine what other areas would you value your skills and achievements, and those branches close.

3. Determine which region (s) you want to achieve. Would you consider, to provide for the right job, and if so, identify the places ofInterest.

4. Conducting research in each area / region and can be found thinking is a good fit. I use a professional subscription Hoover ordered with other resources, and updates, detailed lists of the region, industry, turnover and number of employees. Most public libraries have reference databases such as the United States.

5. Take the list of companies it feels good measure and identify key leaders who will get in touch. NotLimited to only contact HR .. Remember, you are trying to find the source of non-public, by writing directly. So you want to find the name of the entire C-Suite - CEO, COO, CFO, CHRO .. and, depending on the industry / position you are interested, perhaps the CLO, CMO and CIO. How did you find this information? Some databases to help you get started, or you can visit the website of the company or good old-fashioned way - pick up the phone and call.

6.Once you get the list of companies and executives are complete, I advise you to check their e-mail direct jobs. I have a complex process that I created over the years to find these elusive email - I can not share my secrets here! I say I do not recommend buying lists from a list broker, e-mail are notoriously wrong and outdated. If you can not directly the same e-mail, I suggest you skip this step and go to step 8

7. Compose a directed, a convincing messagebriefly introduce yourself and the goals of searching for work - make sure that what you ask ... interview or references! e-mail every manager with your resume attached.

For qualified leaders to send a message, ignoring this works very well. You can never be completed in point 8.

8. Do what most job seekers do not hesitate to ... pick up the phone and call people. Discuss with them the situation in the industry, their company and whethernot have the requirements with your skills.

9. They have no job shall now or in the near future will tell. But nothing is lost and you did a good partner for the future.

10. We often know some openings - both within their company or on-board connections, etc. to listen, ask for further information and follow-up if necessary. There is no better introduction to a company that say, "Fred Smith, CEO of foods I recommended Smithcall to discuss the need to finance qualified Executive "

These 10 points are the foundations, the hidden processes. It all comes down to the right people with networking, the companies will be interested in you. Remember, if you only have 5 holes, where you speak directly with someone in a position of setting, see, you have a good chance for a job interview.



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