Top 6 jobs for 14-15 years
If you are 14, you may need to get more money in your pocket, what you want. But how to make money? you must get a job, not only money but also for the experience. For child labor, is not 16 years to find work so easily for the ages. How to Find a Job Olds for 14 years? if you want, I'll tell you they can get jobs and how to make money.
Teen Writer
If you are talented in writing, it could be a teen writer. Ecan be paid from magazines or websites. If you're not good at writing, you can practice writing. Write down what you want to hear that it is in writing teen fiction or otherwise. It 'really does not matter what you write until you are writing.
How do I start? you can try to start writing for the school newspaper (articles, reviews or short stories). You could even local writers club magazines and anthologies teen model test often have a section for reader nominationsPoems, stories, etc. These are not paid jobs, but you may notice. Also, if you are good basic text and layout, you can get people to pay to prepare your curriculum vitae. You would be surprised how many people can not do this alone.
How can a baby sitting job? It is not hard to get one, give some time. Make flyers and put them in your church or community. If you have day carein the neighborhood, you might want to advertise there. is a great place where you register and parents looking for baby sitter looking at your profile and contact you.
To be successful in business babysitter, you should know the following tips, suggestions and tricks.When you are ready to enter the business babysitter, not afraid to ask questions about the child in his care, always be ready. Walk through the house and do a safety check.Connect to find the doors to the rooms and children at risk, such as matches, rope, drugs or other things can hurt the children or getting into trouble. The most important thing is that one eye can not distract children, ed.
Camp Counselor
For a job as a camp counselor, you can try your local YMCA.They can still openings for summer counselor or helper. Otherwise, goNeighborhood Boys and Girls Club. It helps to have these certifications, and some need CPR.
Although the minimum age required for many field counselor is 16 jobs, but if you do not meet the minimum age for counselors in a summer camp, you could have the opportunity to apply the training adviser or consultant positions junior.
As a CIT (counselor in training), it should work, but not paid. Or, to payWork (not all fields). It seems very unfair to the fees the field who work there! However, it is a good way, in the summer instead of staying home to spend the whole day, and you get paid when you are old enough to be.
Be a Tutor
If you have a good understanding of a topic, you get a job as a center tutor.Try you go to your local youth. Many youth centers pay tutors for math, English, history and science into their after-school programs.
If you want, ask yourAdvisor of the school if they pay tutors for after school programs at school.
You can apply yourself and once you get one after the end of mouth referrals will start coming fast. You should advertise your bid, where parents can see the ad. Parents are your customers.
Grocers Excavators
More and more supermarkets and grocery stores have opened in the last ten years. So often have many part-or full-time excavator.If you prefer, you can earn extra money as an excavator.
Apply to work at.You warehouse are interested you can call and ask if they need a person.Usually bagger.Of course you can also ask the shop one by one in, you get a job right away.
Find a lifeguard class in your area. Most training courses are often offered by the YMCA lifeguards. If you can not find, call the local Red Cross and ask. If you are notFind your local Red Cross, a local pool and ask about how to set up a lifeguard. You can create a private program. If you have a specific place you want to lifeguard, call them first to see if they have special needs.
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