Sunday, December 5, 2010

9 steps to a successful job search

This series of steps that will always be with him for the right job - your "right fit" job - in particular the work that you enjoy and that gives you satisfaction.

1. Identify you, do what you want

Many people are dissatisfied with their work and careers. Maybe you meet the expectations of others, rather than according to your preferences. You may have reached a point where you want to do something new.

Working on a> Job you want. My rule is that 70-80% of you are happy with your work. In a down economy like this, maybe 60% more realistic. If you wake up every day afraid to go to work, you're definitely in the right type of work or the right to work - for you. You can be good for others, just not for you.

We all have unique talents and abilities with which we were born, and the skills we developed in the course of our lives - home, school, workplace.It is based on our talents, to determine if we will be happy at work. When we are with our talents, we are much happier. If we do not use our talents, is a bit 'like swimming against the tide and hope to reach our goal - frustrating and probably keep us hanging in the same place.

It can be difficult to achieve, like the others from our desire to follow, especially our parents and our hearts. And sometimes you can feel as if you can not give up your hard-earnedSkills - or are worth less, if you want to work for another field. Feelings are completely normal. What is important to enjoy the feelings and yet not let it derail to reach your goal: work, looking forward to doing every day. If you do, that the work you like to get to you and to their disappointment (if it does not.) And you'll notice that each skill you have learned to be useful in your work, new love -everything you've done so far is the foundation for this next step in your life. Many skills are transferable to another field and will get you started. Be open about the possibilities.

This job search may take longer than you have on because you know, you need to get training or education may, or you need to make a salary of more time for a period of time to save enough to be able to make a career change. This does not mean youabandon the pursuit of your dreams. They operate purely on a "double track", where you are looking for a percentage of his career, making an important your "list of must-have" for a fulfilling job and business start-up, the dream finally result in your work you do.

2. Prepare a resume that markets effectively is

If you know, what do you think you can identify your core value proposition "to a potential employer. The point of the curriculum is toProof that you are working hard to provide great value to the employer with your ideal.

The heart of every successful CV is a set of services that support your values, basic education and to introduce employers to the right there is a potential candidate for a particular job. I suggest, only with tasks and services that you want to repeat. If you are in a resume, employers assume you are willing to do it again. In each work, we haveThings we do not necessarily like (this is unsatisfactory 20-40%), so why ask then?

3.Networking: The first new work

Networking is more important to the mechanism people use to get jobs for their dreams. It is not complicated if you know you want to do, and have a brief description of your ideal job and the talent and ability to use at work.

In fact, the network is, only talk to people and them, what do you want, then askfor their ideas and help to get closer to the next step in the direction where I work. Most people do not get a job for you, but usually they have someone who can speak. She does not know who knows who, so to speak to everyone and continue along the path of the person next to which reference will be a.

4. Identify job opportunities

If you know what you want, it is easier to identify potential job opportunities. Most of the time,Options appear on-line meetings and through networking. Use the "Must Have List" to evaluate the possibilities and see if it pays for the job. If you find a job on-line to find a job somebody responsible for that company for the word could lead to a good and help ensure that your resume is, at least seen a decision.

5. Write letters to win the interview

Your cover letter can make the case that your core valueSet is exactly what the job description calls for. The letter must be as understanding and responsive to the needs of the position of employers'. This means you can talk about your skills and expertise to the needs of employers'.

I always say, "employers only care about your past, how it relates to achieving their desired future." Can you cite the name of your employer, talk about their work or mission, you want to use the position and tell them whyWant privileged to be part of their team. In a competitive market that is even more important as employers and be more selective than ever before. Most will seriously consider only those candidates who demonstrate knowledge and passion for the success of the company purpose.

6. Get ready for your success in interviews

Most of the interviews shot people because they are not ready, some of the questions to be answered. If you have been fired or laid off, or if you stopcan be very inconvenient to answer the question "What happened?" It can also be difficult to describe your desire for a new career.

Try your answers is the solution. Try try, try until you are comfortable giving an answer to this is honest and free of negative tone or attitude - which means that it is clear also good that you get a pause before he answered, and the "charge-neutral" . Other techniques used to buy some 'time to think through your answer. It 'alsoOK to say "I do not know" if you say, then follow ", and I am pleased that this learning, working with you all." This is probably the most important driving: Vento answers to difficult questions, focusing on the work at hand.

Other factors for a successful interview are aware that a good deal on the company to which they apply, the work in question and, if possible, the people you interviewed. This allows you to provide intelligent,informed answers to questions like "How to be here in this situation?" or "What would be the first job, what would they do if you? Finally, you have your list of questions to interview as if it were the right fit for you. And watch your own reaction to the interviewer and the information society.

7. Follow-ups to boost your chances of success

In a competitive job market, the follow-upis more important than ever. They are stories, one in which companies do not interview people who call or e-mail to see if their materials have been received. It is about good manners and developing good relations. So, I thank the people with whom you have networked and interviewed. It would not hurt and often did not help.

8. Negotiating job offers that "your" list must have

If you receive a job offer, thank FIRST and you're excited, and only then askfor some time to discuss with your spouse / partner / mother / sister / best friend / coach. Do not give an immediate answer, if all conditions are acceptable to you.

Normally the process of job search, or two points to move up the priority list. Often it is the organizational culture and compensation. It can also be set-off and your role and scope of responsibility within an organization. Whatever one or two things always strive to achieve these. If youthese and some other points to be greedy you do not come "must have list."

9. Some faith

You have the right to work for you. It will happen. The research is rarely as simple and as fast as we would like. But there is no reason to give up.

If your talents and preferences of the basic work that attracts you and brings you joy identified - it is impossible for you not to do. It will happen when you work for them, and not. Give up

For example, some faith in themselves and the universe. And your eyes open for unexpected opportunities that began to appear around as you get clearer.



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