Thursday, December 9, 2010

Top 10 Tips for Job Search

Top Ten Job Search Tips
How many of you read these? Here we go again, but this time I have these questions that have arisen in the last two or three years we have often neglected or do not use the concentrate in the past, is primarily related to the new technologies.

1. Get a professional e-mail address.

The ditch Now it's time to professionalize themselves, use real name or business name.

2. Google itself

SoundsSelfish is not it? But only if you wrote something that many years ago, and raises his head to bite you in the foot, you better check what's out there for you in cyberspace. Even if we have a blog of your e-mail, phone number, address, and anything that might leave a fingerprint, to meet other information.

3. Add your e-mail your resume.

How many times I see this failure?

4. Blogging started.

This is a freeWay to make yourself known and build your profile.

5. Sign up online job boards.

There are many:, TradeMe / lists of jobs., and also check your local newspaper online.

6. Use social networking sites to your advantage.

Make a special vocational Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Bebo etc. specific change to the environment, their social networks to your friends.

7. Network

Registered companiesOrganizations and associations related to your career. Check the Yellow Pages directory and on-line to see what is available, then network with those people.

8. Specialists - a Subject Matter Expert become.

A sophisticated company specialized roles, so the more specialized you are, or may be, the more know-how can create one, and more on a team by the employer. But remember, a generalist in all areas related to your career.

9. Lead from yourStrengths.

If you know what you mean good or better, or simply brilliant ... then move from that area before. Are you good at public speaking are then used as the primary form of highlighting the strengths.

10. mitigate your weaknesses.

Similar to number nine. Listen to your weaknesses. Avoid (especially in the first session a few) things you're not so good, he does not like or in general.



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