Monday, December 27, 2010

Promising career - What do they say the trends?

The most lucrative future careers are in the following areas:

Health and wellness - reinforced by the factor of aging baby-boom, Internet, home-based business, finance, technology, university teaching.

the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a division of the SU Department of Labor, seven of the ten fastest growing jobs in the U.S. by 2014 According to the health and welfare. This should be true in other developed countries. With the spread of healthEducation and health on the rise, more and more people are looking towards health. In the U.S. alone, 57 percent of all jobs are to care about the health of you too.

The above is all the more with the aging baby boomers. With a good income and health expenditure, increase in jobs associated with health is the natural result.

The most lucrative professions in this area are mostly doctors, nurses, health assistants, dental assistantsPhysical therapists and assistants.

Internet is growing rapidly globally. There will be many opportunities in Internet companies. More and more people have begun to turn to the Internet for career development of the Internet. Hundreds of people, their conditions of life now on the Internet.

Home Based Business Internet increasingly important everywhere, and wireless mobility. So people increasingly turn to self-employed.

More people need to beFinancial consulting and accounting. This will also remain so for the growth of finance and accounting professionals.

technology jobs for software engineering in general and of jobs in all, very rapidly growing and jobs are among the top ten fastest growing.

university professors will be required to move a lot as children of baby boomers and younger cohorts of universities.

professions more profitable environment(Environmental Engineering), alternative energy, insurance, recruitment, etc.



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