Thursday, August 26, 2010

Which Member States have more nurses?

Each state has the country have a shortage of nurses and health care institutions vacant positions that are desperately trying to fill.

But states have recognized the need for nurses?

Every four years, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration is a massive study of registered nurses, ranging from job satisfaction, staff turnover in hospitals, the average age of nurses, etc.etc. This study also shows the countries with the most and least nurses. They pay to find out how many nurses per 100,000 workers. The national average in 2004 was 792 per 100,000 nurses. However, very different, of course, by the State.

The District of Columbia has the highest number of nurses per 100,000 ... they have a ratio of 2,236 nurses per 100,000 population. After that it is in New Hampshire, with 1321 per 100 000.

It statesare the lowest sisters ... Drum roll, please ...

Idaho, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. California was the lowest, with 603 nurses per 100,000, and Nevada had 612 nurses per 100 000.

(Of course, the World Health Organisation recommends that, although an absolute minimum of 100 nurses per 100,000 inhabitants, there are many developing countries that have less than 10 nurses per 100,000 inhabitants).

Thus, for nurses and nursing students,Looking to work in places where they are most needed and most likely for employers who are willing and are fed with great incentive, it might work, check these states. And definitely check the cash to offer potential employers in these places would be relocation assistance and tuition reimbursement.



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