Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The dilemma of the High Income Professional

The current economic slowdown has led people to great loss of jobs in the United States, Europe and other major industries. Millions of jobs have been lost in the U.S. alone. Many families are facing the loss of jobs, the housing collapse and loss of credit cards. This article focuses on high-income professionals - managers, computer professionals, doctors, lawyers, academics, investment bankers, etc. - with gains of more than U.S. $ 100,000. Alsothose who are still working are at considerable risk. Why?

First, there are fewer job opportunities for professionals, more than $ 100K. This is a labor market much smaller than for, say, the $ 50-75K bracket. How to resize large companies such as carmakers and investment banks, there are simply fewer positions to fill. The law of supply and demand apply. More demand, fewer jobs = lower wages and benefits. Most high-income professionals rarelyNeed to find a new job, so you have less skill in research than their lowest paid. to make your anxiety tend to be less money for their efforts if indeed the limit.

Secondly, there is the issue of income diversification. Traditional methods for this group includes shares and investment properties. Both portfolios have been very successful in recent years. invest the "conventional wisdom" isfail, at least for now. This means that it is unattractive to raise funds on investment when it is absolutely necessary for survival.

Third, higher income professional who has just dropped, disability or loss of jobs. Replace $ 100K + from other sources is obviously difficult to replace $ 50K. Even highly skilled professionals such as lawyers, scientists, doctors and computer experts will not work. DisabilityInsurance, which usually bear an income far below the cap, the one that currently earn. And the reality is when you are on a salary, what do you base it is paid, you're just an hourly wage. Your "hourly rate" can be very high, but will stop if you can not work.

Most high-income professionals have little time to learn about wealth creation and preservation. After all, their incomes have enabled them to upper middle class (or higher) living standards for years. But nowThere is a big change in the U.S. and the world economy. If it is a long-term change? Nobody knows for sure, but seems likely to be. discussed the "Flat Earth" in Thomas Friedman, The World Is Flat is always an uncomfortable reality for many. The housing, automobile and the collapse of investment banking in the United States were a wake-up alarm for many professionals with high incomes. What steps should they?

There are many answers to this question, and this article can not dealall of them. But the answer is more important, it is necessary to develop multiple streams of income. Some of them may be small - retirement checks from previous employers or military, dividends from stock or bond portfolios. But other, more lucrative, sources can be developed with a little 'entrepreneurial skills. The growth of the Internet has created many opportunities for people who want to learn to take some 'time. the book by Tim Ferris' "The week of 4 hours is open my eyes to manyProfessionals. After reading it, realize that it is possible, one or multiple streams of income from sources web alone. If you care with the choice they make, it is also possible, good sound advice from Those Who have actually created wealth not, just a "consultant" who receive less rich than you do.

We recommend that high-income professionals take seriously the current recession. Governments seek to "support" the economy, as it alwaysIn the past, but to do so deflated currency. And 'now that those taking the highest salaries, their finances seriously



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