Friday, August 13, 2010

Home Care Jobs - Fighting the disease within the comforts of home

The fundamental value of the home care get the attention of health professionals and the public worldwide. With demographic trends, a focus on individual health care in the Greater, technological progress which results in smaller and less expensive medical devices are available for the private sector and Institutions of public and private need to check the performance of health systems to improve home care as an alternative logic to the emerging health andsocial assistance to people with disabilities, medical and age-related diseases.

According to the World Health Organization, the term "Back to the Future" is the term used to describe a growing trend in home health care. Technological advances offer patients more options for a wide range of services in their environment to obtain.

Research on care at home many points of strong arguments to extend their presence inHealth services. First, as the house is a place of emotional and physical well-being, many people prefer to medical care in Their home environment to receive, instead of being institutionalized. Although some of these options can not absolutely necessary levels of maintenance and equipment, provide medical care for many leave their homeland can produce results disturbing and depressing.

Moreover, changes in attitudes, values and practices create an increased demand forHome care. The collapse of traditional family structure, reduces the pressure of urbanization and the increase in the course of training smaller families, the number of people immediately available to help at home to those who need it. Moreover, as the presence of women in the workforce continue its growth trend, greater emphasis on monetary gain, rather than facilitate the care of sick or elderly family members.

Research by the World Health OrganizationOrganization since the people at home when feeling ill, with social and emotional support they wish to receive from friends and relatives. In addition, pressure on public and private medical facilities can be placed through the active promotion of home care will be reduced, since not only Reduces demand for space and beds in hospitals and other medical facilities, but through a personalized and customized , many more patients on this type ofTreatment. To avoid this in mind, the activities of home care or delay institutionalization.

The preference for older age and receive care at home has moved from one part of recent research, the option That Remain at home, rather Than be institutionalized in nursing homes WAS reveals a preference for the range of By age 75 a higher proportion of disabled and elderly patients in relation to skilled workers, jobs nursing home in high demand, such as structuralPopulation changes take effect.



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