Saturday, August 28, 2010

Job portals record growth in applications

In light of the economic slowdown, shipyards see a flood of applications from students and mid-level managers. recruitment companies working have seen an average increase of 25-30 percent in HP in recent months as a student in the final semester of the tools to explore, either.

"We see this happening because of economic slowdown. The students put in the effort, where always think it will help," said Ms. Surabhi Mathur Gandhi, generalManager, Team Lease.

Mrs. Sumeet Singh, Head of Marketing and Communications, said, even in normal times the number of applications to increase during this period, but this year there was a significant jump.

Nevertheless, the company will continue to be cautious about the setting and many companies have put up a block of leases. Experts say the economic impact Crunch has become portals of jobs, as companies are blocking the recruitment process. Therefore, job portals must now make an extra effort.

In the midst of darkness, there are still some activities, such as some medium-sized and niche suppliers are now for rent because they have no bargaining power to feel better.

A look beyond the image job boards are a positive development to see where companies are passing on the portals agencies. Even the state-owned companies are awaiting portals work. Many industries such as pharmaceuticals and agriculture, which are not> Portals are now working with them but as close to jobs in other sectors.

The most effective recruiters advertise open positions online, worksheets different because it seeks to work on the site are not qualified career of any. But recruiters valuable time, often posting, modify and delete the text the same work in multiple locations.



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