Saturday, August 7, 2010

The technology will keep the Long Distance Relationship Alive

As you prepare to move away for your new home hundreds of miles from your lover, you should also prepare for a major change in the way of communicating with a significant other. Before moving the company even show up at your house, make sure you and your spouse work an action plan to burn to keep your love for each other.

Fortunately, with all the different methods of technology to reduce the way we communicate, we Have a variety of optionsHelps reduce the effect of a long distance relationship. The following are a technologically advanced way to stay close to your loved ones when they are miles away.

Using the telephone
Mobile phones are the most direct way to maintain a close relationship with your partner after you move. A simple text to let her know you're thinking of them means a lot for your long-distance partner. Cameras are on virtually any standard telephone, so make sure you use it often!Be sure to take pictures of themselves to send, but vary a bit '. Snapshots of landmarks or buildings are interesting and share them with your Pookie. Take a picture of the head pita falafel are underway in bite sizes. And little things like that we are doing together.

Start a blog
It almost seems like everyone and their dog has a blog nowadays. Start a blog only special for you and your lover that you share is to update the day's news.Splitting a live journal, each of you further details in life that they live apart from each other and spend the extra time that indicates the read and update your blog, keep as much interest to you with your love. If you are a password protected blog that the two will give you more privacy and the privacy preference, there is a great website called Typepad, requiring no plug-ins or additional security software on your blog.

E-mail Ship or customizedPhoto
One of the beauties of the technology today is the editing software we use to create new images from existing images. Take the photo that you send your loved ones and meshes with your own pictures. Send e-mail or print on paper of good quality photo, choose a nice frame for it, and send it to them when they want something more personal. For quirkier touches, visit a Web site for couples in long-distance call to love from afarthat users can edit photos to send their other half.

Get a Skype account
The great thing is that Skype is free and you can look directly at your love with the instrument comes with video-conferencing. We headset and a webcam, but apart from the cost of the necessary hardware, the program is completely free to use. It 's a great way to stay in touch, and also works internationally!

About 2 million Americans are in a sort of long-distance relationship.Whether your initiative brought to you completed college, finding a new job or a change in military stations, be sure to use technology to keep the love going better and make you feel closer, and everyone else!



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