Monday, May 3, 2010

Successfully Using Twitter to Job Search

With the Internet being so accessible and convenient, it's no wonder many are looking at other methods to find a telecommute job. Twitter has played an important role in not just connecting like-minded people together, using it as a platform to market a business or sharing news, but it is also a valuable source for job worthy information.

Building a professional online presence is the first step to finding an employer you would like to work for. Use your real first and last name as your Twitter handle. It's preferable to upload a recent picture of you otherwise choose a professional avatar, but don't use the Twitter default image placeholder because it is impersonal and it doesn't look professional.

Fill in your bio with something interesting about you. List your specific experience or qualifications. You want to stand out and be noticed by employers. Take the time to customize your Twitter background and add information about your skills, credentials or qualifications.

Secondly, to stand out above the rest you can create a professional resume or portfolio with the help of Visual CV. It's a free interactive resume builder that includes many great features like audio and video. This surpasses the regular resume builders found on job boards.

Thirdly, to be effective in any social networking site for any purpose you must be consistent. You have to build an online presence because it can't be achieved in one day and it can be a slow process. Also if you're looking to brand yourself, you need to have constant exposure.

Lastly, follow niche leaders or experts in the telecommute industry in your field. Look for connections with others who you think can help you get one step closer, who can recommend, who provides job leads or who can refer you to a hiring employer.

Tweet what you know, engage in conversations, share tips about your industry, be helpful to others who have questions and be yourself which is the most important thing, but always have and show a professional attitude. Never speak badly about an employer, company or their staff.

Twitter can also be used as a job search tool. In the Twitter search box for example you can type in #jobs or #telecommute or #your term. You will get a full list of tweets grouped under your keyword.

Twitter when used together with other social media networks, work at home forums, job boards, job sites and the traditional methods can greatly increase your chances of finding your telecommuting job.



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