Monday, May 10, 2010

How Volunteering Can Enhance Your Executive-Level Job Search

If you're in the middle of an executive-level job search, you're probably hoping that you can get back in the workforce sooner than later. There's nothing like getting the level of responsibility, and financial rewards, you're accustomed to. However, if the job search is moving slowly, you may be trying to think of ways to enhance your search - one way is by volunteering.

It may seem like you're moving backwards if you consider volunteering while searching for a job. But, in many ways, it moves you forward even though it offers no pay. If you've been thinking of volunteering, but have been reluctant to do so, don't second guess your idea. It may pay off more than you think.

Why Volunteering Works

There are a number of reasons that volunteering works well when you're working on your executive-level job search. For one, it offers you the opportunity to pass time and remain active when you don't have the luxury of a 9 to 5 routine to keep you busy. Also, it allows you to develop your passions and make a difference in the lives of others. Essentially, volunteering is said to be good for the soul. But in the case of finding the job you want, volunteering is a way to develop great skills and make the necessary connections you need to acquire your next job.

That's right. Volunteering is a great way to help you get your foot in the door for another job. There are a couple of ways that this can happen for you. Non-profits are always looking for good executives to help take their company to the next level, so if you volunteer your time and make the right connections, you may find yourself being offered a position. Another way is to join a charity's board where you can meet important connections from other companies and organizations. By sharing your great ideas and helping to take the charity to the next level, someone may be impressed enough to offer you a position.

How to Make Volunteering Work for You

One of the best ways to take advantage of volunteering and its ability to help you secure a job is by getting involved in a cause that follows your passion. For instance, if you are an animal lover, you might volunteer in some capacity for your local zoo. Or if you enjoy the arts, then you might volunteer for a non-profit organization dedicated to music, art or dance.

You can approach an organization with the skills that you already have under your belt and offer to give them your professional assistance free of charge. After the word spreads of the charitable giving of your expertise, you may just make some great connections to get you hired at your next employer.

Every person in the middle of a job search knows how difficult it can be to find a job when he has plenty of time available, let alone find one when some of that job search time is compromised with other activities. But volunteering is different, it can leave you feeling rejuvenated after knowing you've made a difference in someone's life. So if you want to make the most of your job search, it's a good idea to add volunteering to your "to-do list."



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