Saturday, May 1, 2010

Best Place to Find a Job - It All Depends on the Job

The best place to find a job will depend on what type of job you are looking for and what the skill level it is at.

For lower skill positions, the best place is the place where employment is going to take place. Many restaurants and local stores still advertise job openings in the windows. This is done so someone local will be able to fill the position. The advantage to the local business is there is a reduced problem with the new employee getting to work because of living in the vicinity of the work place.

The higher the skill level, the more specialized the job placement and search has to be. Top level management and college graduates are done through head hunters. These are specialized agents that make a living at placing qualified workers in company for a fee. For the prospective employee, there is no fee, only for the employer to pay. A typical contact lasts for up to 6 months. At that time there is a determination whether the employee will become full time or replaced.

For most blue collar and some white collar workers, the leading place to find employment is on the internet. There are numerous sites that specialize in particular areas of employment. There are also sites that are more general like Craigslist. The internet is being used in an effort to reach a wider pool of applicants. This is good for the employers, but makes the odds not in favor of the prospective employee of obtaining employment.

For all practical purposes the best place to find a job is the internet.



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