Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Job Search 2009 - Hunting Ghosts Would Be Easier

The job market this year is potentially worse than it has been in decades. People are lining up left and right at temporary agencies, unemployment offices, and any place that is holding open interviews or accepting applications just to get any job that they can. High level business employees are taking entry level retail and fast-food positions just to put food on the table for their families. It's a difficult market to be in when you don't have a job, to say the least. However, there are some small things that you can do to make your job search 2009 a little easier than it might be otherwise.

Start by looking at your skills. You are more capable than you realize if you put it all down on paper. Don't focus on the industry that you work in if you can't find jobs there. Look to other industries where your skills can be put to use and see how effective you can be in those jobs. Don't ever sell yourself short because there is something out there for everyone, and most career skill sets transcend multiple industries. You CAN find a job, even if it isn't the ideal job, as long as you know what you're capable of. Look online. Many companies hire people through internet applications and website ads these days. A lot of job seekers don't realize this and pass the internet by on their way to get the local paper.

Ultimately, to succeed in your job search 2009, you just need to do whatever it takes to make the most of your career hunt. You need to utilize all the resources out there, including temporary agencies, recruiters, and anything else that you can get your hands on. Visit a job search workshop at your local community college or Department of Job Services. Take the time to find resources that you have access to, and make them work for you. If you really want to succeed in your job hunt, you need to give it 110% because there are millions of other unemployed people out there looking for the same job as you.

When you apply for jobs, call back to check on your application or resume. See if they've taken the time to look over it, and be sure to ask if they've already made their decision so that you're not hanging on to false hope and slowing down your search. Do whatever it takes, because that's the only way that you're going to get a job in this slow economy. You might not find your dream job and you probably won't even find a job that you like all that well. Eventually, though, you will find one.



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