When You Don't Want to Pay Someone to Find You a Job - What to Do & 7 What Not to Dos
What to do when you don't want to pay someone to help you find a job? When you read these words on the world wide web you are closer than you think to building your own job-search tool kit at no cost or at very low cost. Challenge that now and learn how to "work" the Internet by reading this entire article of less than 500 words.
What NOT To Do:
Not ignore your debt. Help is everywhere; just be careful.
Not say, "Woe is me!" "Why is this happening to me, again?"
Not "buy" the idea it's all about you and that what has happened is your fault.
Not talk trash to you (your mind) or to anyone around you. If it stinks, flush it.
Not be tempted to use Bill Gates' MS Word resume templates. Pros will know. Ugh!
Not put things off, way off & clean closets or the garage. Work your plan now.
Not think lightning will strike and it will be all better. The universe helps those who help themselves. Seize this moment.
What TO do:
- Log on to a book browser site and consider used in "good" condition the mighty little book, Don't Send A Resume by Jeffrey J. Fox.
- Research location of "One-Stop" state-sponsored employment offices. Call for appointment with counselor or trainer. Keep appointment. And use Department of Labor Employment Training Administration (ETA) on line.
- Start or join a "job club" that meets mornings over coffee at cooperating restaurant or coffee shop. Search "job clubs" on the Internet.
- Today help people less fortunate than you. Do it so intentionally you meet others helping and add them to your network.
- Research blogs, articles, social networks, and other online no-charge resources you can't believe are "out there" ripe for the picking. Hook up with social network experts for better results. Don't miss out; read this entire article.
- Read networking bible Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty by Harvey Mackay.
- Attend free online job search teleclasses (teleseminars, teleconferences).
- Conduct interviews with representatives of target employers on your own Internet radio show.
- Put your resume, password-protected, on free Internet site set up for that purpose.
- Write articles about your passion at no charge via Internet sites available for that purpose. Learn about free e-book by Seth Godin titled Everyone Is An Expert About Something.
And get resource details by claiming access to free "seat" on job search and resume and cover letter live, interactive teleseminar (on the phone or on the web, your choice) Sundays at 9:00PM US Eastern via http://www.resumesteve.com/ and score a) Reimbursement to the first 10 takers who buy and don't like the book Don't Send A Resume, no questions asked; b) Ask for and get free, 30 minute PDF review of networking bible, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty. c) Ask for and get free PDF copy of Seth Godin book Everyone Is An Expert About Something.
Stephen Q Shannon The Free Teleseminar Resume Guy

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