Freelance Photography: How to Begin Your Career
Photography is a vast world. There are many different types of photography and many different kinds of people that enjoy it. It's a hobby that be relatively inexpensive or one that you can invest a lot of money on. Photos are so special because they give us memories of times and places and events in our lives. We can hold onto these memories forever with a photograph.
As much as people love photos, many people love taking them even more. Whether it's a mother who takes photos at every of her children's moments in life (first smile, first step, first spaghetti meal) or maybe it's the father who never forgets his camera for a football or basketball game, or maybe it's the young girl who loves nature hikes with her camera; these people are not exceptions. They all have an eye for those special moments and they all appreciate the camera's ability to capture that moment and freeze it in time forever.
- What is Freelance Photography?
What if you love photography so much you wish you could do it for a living? I mean, you actually get paid for your photographs! But you work solely for yourself, selling each photo or series of photos individually. You don't have a boss. You work sometimes on assignment and you may sell to magazines. That is freelance photography.
Freelance photography may be your entire career or it may start out as something you do in your spare time but begin making money from it. It's just like freelance writing in this sense that many people turn it into a career and enjoy the freedom of working essentially for themselves on their own time and making money doing something they love doing anyway.
- How to Build a Portfolio
To start getting jobs as a freelance photographer, you need a portfolio. A portfolio will show samples of your work. Even if you have never had photographs published or publicly displayed, you can start a portfolio of your best work and then add onto it if you win photography contests or start receiving paid work.
- How to Get Jobs
As we mentioned, building a portfolio is the first step in submitting your work for pay but when it comes right down to it, it's the quality of the photo that will determine if you get paid for it. Some people have more of a natural talent for taking great pictures than others but it is a skill that anyone can learn. There are schools dedicated to the art of photography and you can even get a degree in it. If you are just getting started, you can look into classes provided by your local community center or community college. Some cities have photography groups that meet to share photos and tips. There are also many groups online dedicated to photography and freelance photography.
You need to view as many famous photographs as possible. Take a look at what is getting published and compare it to your own photos. This allows you to compare and learn from other's work. It takes more than just point and shoot to get a great photo. You need to learn about focus, lighting, colors and backgrounds and much more.
Once you start learning about photography and creating a portfolio, you can start submitting your photos to contests and magazines. Get a list of photography markets and start submitting to ones that accept your type of photos. Don't expect to make it to the big times right away. Few people actually achieve this but you can start small and eventually make your way into a nice living from freelance photography.
Looking for information about Photography? Go to: 'ASA Photography' is published by Colin Hartness - An excellent resource for Photography! Check out more Photography articles at:
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