Thursday, December 1, 2011

Career as a Toy Designer

One of the coolest jobs is to become a designer of consumer products and there is good pay in it. Think of the people who designed the Norelco Razors or the Automatic Tooth Brush or the iPod. Very fun stuff no doubt and all those we have interviewed love their jobs and liken it to designing futuristic cars for GM, Ford, Ferrari or Jaguar.

Even former aerospace workers, NASA scientists and race car designers have in fact enjoyed their careers so much that they become designers of a different type after retirement. What do all these people really consider when deciding what types of careers they can make their second claim to fame in? Believe it or not they choose toys. Why you ask? Well because they can put their full creativity into it without hard core project managers debunking their concepts and designs.

And you know what it seems to be working too as would you just look at all the cool new toys on the shelves these days? I mean come on, do you remember toys that cool when you were a kid? Certainly not. The average Wal-Mart Store has so many cool toys it makes you feel like a kid again simply walking down the isles and looking at what none of us had back then. No wonder a career as a toy designer is one of the greatest careers in design? Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.



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