Saturday, December 31, 2011

Special Education Teaching Job Interview - What to Expect

Because a special education teacher's job requires far more than just teaching, administrators will seek candidates who are true specialists in the field. If you're hoping to be hired as a special ed teacher, you need to be an expert at the art of adapting lessons, an active advocate for student needs, a professional IEP writer, a wealth of information on student disabilities, and a dedicated individual who is 100% committed to doing whatever it takes to help all students reach their fullest potential.

As with any teaching interview, I recommend you familiarize yourself with possible questions beforehand. This will make the interview questions seem familiar so you'll be more comfortable answering them. You will be asked a series of general teaching questions as well as questions that specifically relate to special ed.

Below are a few thoughts on ways to be prepare for the special education questions that will be asked.

  1. Be prepared to comprehend and respond to all of the jargon, acronyms, and special requirements of special education. You should know exactly how an IEP and/or CSE meeting is conducted. You need to speak and act as though you are very familiar with IEP meetings, CSE meetings, child study meetings and any other special education committees the school may have. Understand how least restrictive environment works. Know what services and support the school district does and does not offer.

  2. Be sure you understand and are able to talk about a wide range of disabilities. Familiarize yourself with Asperger's/autism, ADHD, emotional disorders, processing delays, speech disorders, physical handicaps, and every other common disability children may be classified with in the district.

  3. Emphasize your ability to work cooperatively with colleagues. Special education teachers are usually required to work closely with and/or team teach with regular education teachers. They'll also be communicating regularly with special education administration, social workers or counselors, PT/OT teachers, and resource teachers. There's a lot of specialized teamwork involved in educating children with special needs. You need to understand your role in acting as an advocate for each of your students and in meeting their social and academic needs.

  4. Know how to utilize support staff. Oftentimes special education students will have teachers' aides or assistants. Be sure you know how to use the support staff in a professional way the benefits the student. You don't want the child to become dependent on a teacher's aide for doing simple tasks that he/she can perform himself. On the other hand, you want to be sure the student is receiving the full support he/she needs.

  5. Be sure you're an expert in differentiation. While all teachers should differentiate their lessons based on their students' needs, special education teachers need to be especially confident in their ability to adapt lessons to meet the very unique needs of their students. You simply can't teach a concept and expect every child to be doing the same work, the same way. You need to individualize instruction so that it is presented in a way that all of your students can learn. You will not be able to look at the school's curriculum or instructional materials and use them as-is. You'll need to show that you can adapt your resources to meet the learning needs of your students.

Final thoughts: To succeed in a special education interview, you need to be able to talk-the-talk, understand how to be an advocate for special needs students, fully understand responsibilities associated with the job, and be willing to go above and beyond to meet the unique instructional needs of classified students.

For additional information about finding teaching jobs, the teacher interview process, common teacher interview questions and answers, building a teaching portfolio, and resume and cover letter information, you may want to download a copy of "Guide to Getting a Teaching Job" from


Tim Wei is the author of Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams. It's a $20 eBook that describes everything you need to know about teacher applications, teaching interview process, common teacher interview questions and answers, building a teaching portfolio, resume and cover letter information, and lots more!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

How To Fill Out A Job Application The Right Way-5 Easy Steps To Success

While it may not seem as important as a resume, most people don't realize that a badly filled out job application can be much more costly than a bad resume. A recruiter will see hundreds of application forms, so any that are filled in badly will stand out for all the wrong reasons. These tips should help you avoid problems like that and show you exactly how to fill out a job application the right way!

Read through the application before you begin filling it in, and follow any instructions to the letter. While most applications will ask for similar information, they will not all do it in the same way, so it's a good idea to make sure you are following the guidance given. If you make a mistake here, the potential employer will likely think "This candidate doesn't know how to fill out a job application correctly, why should I trust them with anything else?" And there go your hopes of getting an interview!

Do a practice run- Photocopy the form and have a practice run at filling it out. This will help you get an idea of how many words you can fit into the boxes etc, and will definitely improve the way the finished article reads.

Be consistent. One of the things that people often overlook when learning how to fill out a job application is the consistency of their data. Make sure the form is filled out with information that matches with your resume. If you "stretched" the dates on your resume because one of your jobs ended prematurely, you will need to make sure your application information covers exactly the same dates. A smart recruiter is well aware of such tricks, and finding you out to be dishonest at this early stage can only be a problem.

Check it. How to fill out a job application 101-Make sure there are no mistakes! Read through it once immediately after you finish it, and then if possible you should leave it a day or two and re-check it. It's much easier to spot mistakes and other errors when the document is not fresh in your mind, and for this reason it's a good idea to give yourself some "edit time" between filling it out and sending it away.

Never volunteer negative information. The object of filling out an application is to get yourself in for an interview, and giving out negative information will only hamper this goal. Try and give all your answers as positive a spin as possible, and leave the lengthy answers for the interview. There are many different schools of thought on how to fill out a job application, but one thing is for sure, it's very hard to use the small space on an application form to explain away any negative information that you have volunteered.

As you've seen, the methods of how to fill out a job application can be every bit as tricky as writing a resume, so just make sure you stick to those guidelines and you should be a winner every time!

Click here for your own 100% free job hunting tips email course-packed with hints and tips that will get you up the career ladder fast!
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How To Cut & Buff Your Car Paint Job

OK boys and girls, I'm going to chat about cutting and buffing the paint job on your car, this subject is touchy with a lot of people, who think that this step in unnecessary, and this would of course depend on what you want the car to look like when it's completed, a cut and buffed paint job looks completely different from a non cut and buffed paint job, and yes there is a significant risk to your paint job if the person who's doing the cutting and buffing has no experience with the process, it can devastate your new paint job, and you don't need to re-paint your car, so be sure that they know what they are doing.

The first step after you pull the car out of the paint booth should be to unmask it, and then I suggest re-masking the car with clean masking paper, but you don't really need to do this if you don't want to, cleaning the buffing compound off of the car will be a lot harder if you don't mask it again, it just kind of depends on were you want to spend your time, in my opinion it should always be done.

Now that we have that out of the way, before yo mask the car you should wash it, and then blow it off with compressed air to remove the excess water, the car can't be clean enough before you do this step, now before I explain to you the process of cutting and buffing, I'm going to explain the draw backs of cutting and buffing the car, the reasons why a lot of people don't like to do it.

1. The potential to damage your new paint job, there are two big reasons why some people shy away from this step, the first reason is that an inexperienced person color sanding the car may go through the clear coat of the paint and in to the color coat, and this means a paint repair on that area where they went through, or a total re-paint of the car "Not Good", the second reason would be that if they don't go through the base coat of the paint there is a chance that the buffer can burn the paint job, when I was learning, I had both of these things happen to me, and neither one of them are fun to fix.

2. Is the extra time that it takes to do the cutting and buffing of the car, this can be up to 20 hours of added time, if your one of those people who is always in a hurry, then it's obvious why you'd hate this process, you absolutely cannot be in a hurry, or those bead things that I talked about earlier with without a doubt happen.

The reason why I like the paint job cut and buffed is for the look, it looks completely different from a non-buffed car, the non-buffed car will look great, don't get me wrong here, it will have a factory looking paint job, with an ultra shine, and it will be absolutely brilliant in the sun light, but will appear that the color is on top of the paint job, as where a buffed car will look deep, like you could stick your hand in the paint and swirl it around, the decision is all yours, but I will say that if you decide to cut and buff the car, make 100% sure that the people doing the work know what they are doing.

Look at some of their work to determine if you want this done, there are a lot of shops that have this down to a science, and you don't need to worry at all if you find the right people, that being said, this is not a step that I think a beginner should attempt, although I'm about to explain the process, if you feel confident, then go ahead and give it a try.

The Color Sanding Process:

After the car has been re-masked, you should get a bucket with water and dish soap in it, or if you feel more at home using a spray bottle load it with water and dish soap also, and then your going to want to have some 1000 grit wet sand paper to start with, and you'll be working up to 2000 grit by the time this process is done, first you'll need to spray the car down with water, and it does not matter where you start to color sand the car, it's just where you feel comfortable starting from, this is a long process, so don't get in a hurry, if you do it will be at the expense of you new paint job, OK now you'll want to have a decent selection of sanding blocks, a cut and buff is designed to create a smooth appearance over the entire surface of the car, and if it's done right it does a very good job of that.

Now that you have sprayed the car down with water load up your 1000 grit wet sand paper on a sanding block, I usually use a 6" hard flat block on the large flat surfaces of the car, you never want to sand or buff the crown of any panel on your car, I use a 6" round hard rubber block in the curved areas on the panels, at the first it will look as if it's not doing anything, but take my word it is smoothing the clear coat on your car, when you color sand you clear coat you need to pay serious attention to what you are doing, cutting and buffing will remove any dust or runs from you paint job and smooth the surface to a brilliant deep shine.

When you start to sand the car, if your using a spray bottle you'll spray some of the contents from the bottle on to your painted surface, and then you'll begin to sand the clear coat with 1000 grit wet paper, make sure that you sand only in one direction, as it will be easier to buff out in the end, do not press hard on the block, let the sand paper do the work, and if you hear a squeaking sound stop now, and run some water over your sanding block and the surface of the car, a squeaking sound means that you have a piece of balled up clear coat under the block, or dirt, in either case, you do not want it there so clean the block and surface of the car.

When your sanding your paint with the 1000 grit paper, your looking for the entire surface of the car to have a smooth and dull appearance, remember that you still have to sand the clear coat with 1500 and 2000 grit sand paper, so it does not need to be perfect at this stage of the game, just make sure that you've sanded the entire surface of the car before you move on to the next stage.

Now you'll repeat the same process with 1500 grit wet paper, and then 2000 grit wet paper, after you have done this, you done color sanding or cutting the clear coat, during this process yo don't ever want to see the color of your base coat on the sanding block, this means that you have gone through the clear coat, so pay attention to what you are doing.

The Buffing Process:

Now that the cutting or color sanding process is complete on your car, you'll want to wash all the wet sanding residue from the car, wet sanding will leave a with powder type residue on the car, and you don't want to put the buffer to this residue, so make sure that you wash the entire car again before you get started with the buffer.

Now let's get the buffer out and set the speed to about 800 rpm or medium speed on the speed selector, this may seem a bit slow, but you have less of a chance of burning the paint job with it set at a lower speed, and you can use water to help cool the paint as you buff the car if you want to, you'll be starting with a heavy buffing compound and working all the way down to a swirl remover, yet another long process.

Get you courage up and your patience, and get ready to dive in head first, there is no changing your mind now.

Now put a little dab of the heavy cutting compound on the surface of the car where you want to start buffing the paint, and also I almost forgot, this needs to be done inside a garage, the sun will cause big problem with this process, what your going to do is put a wool pad on the buffer, and then pull the buffer trigger and begin to buff the heavy cutting compound off of the car, you'll notice it starting to bring the shine up on the surface of the paint, when you run out of the heavy compound on the surface just keep adding more and moving in slow circular motions until the entire surface is buffed with the heavy compound.

You'll repeat this process with medium cutting compound, and then light compound, and last but not least swirl remover.

When you change compounds you'll want to have the appropriate foam pads for each step in the process, and make sure that you clean all the pads as they will get clogged with compound, you can can a pad cleaning tool from your local auto paint retailer.

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    Tuesday, December 27, 2011

    Flight Attendant Jobs: Who Is Hiring

    The news for US legacy carriers continues to worsen. Northwest and Delta recently filed bankruptcy while several others are teetering toward insolvency. Finding employment with one of these carriers is difficult, particularly if you are seeking a career as a flight attendant. Still, there are jobs with some air carriers, if you know where to look. Let's take a look at some airlines that are likely to hire flight attendants over the next year or two.

    The legacy carriers, which include American, Delta, Northwest, United, Continental, and USAirways, are probably not good places to look for stable employment. Earlier in 2005, Continental was hiring flight attendants, but the job market for the legacy carriers remains generally bleak. United remains in bankruptcy and USAirways recently exited bankruptcy and merged with America West Airlines.

    On the other hand, the following discount, charter, and regional carriers have all hired flight attendants recently or are planning to do so over the next year:

    * AirTran Airways

    * Air Wisconsin Airlines

    * Alaska Airlines/Horizon Airlines

    * Champion Air

    * Chautauqua Airlines

    * Colgan Air

    * Comair

    * EOS Airlines

    * Falcon Air Express

    * Frontier Airlines

    * Independence Airlines

    * JetBlue Airways

    * Maxjet Airlines

    * Mesa Group

    * Mesaba Airlines

    * Miami Air

    * North American Airlines

    * Omni Air International

    * Piedmont Airlines

    * Pinnacle Airlines

    * Shuttle America

    * Skywest Airlines

    * Southwest Airlines

    * Spirit Airlines

    * Transstates Airlines

    * U.S. Airways

    * USA3000 Airlines

    * United Express

    * Virgin America [awaiting FAA approval to fly]

    * World Airways

    Job fairs are a popular way for carriers to recruit, interview, and hire new employees. Check each company's website for detailed information about upcoming dates or visit an aviation job board such as the Aviation Employment Board for the latest job postings. Hiring plans can change at any time, so make sure that the information you gather is verified directly by the air carrier.

    Web sites dedicated toward providing more information about becoming a flight attendant are legion on the internet. Some of the better sites include:


    Airline Flight Attendant Room {MSN Group}

    If you are seeking a career as a private flight attendant, the Corporate Flight Attendant Community at is a full resource center offering informative articles, helpful links, training information, job listings, as well as an active message board:

    Copyright 2005 -- Matthew Keegan is the owner of a successful article writing, web design, and marketing business based in North Carolina, USA. He manages several sites including the Corporate Flight Attendant Community and the Aviation Employment Board. Please visit The Article Writer to review selections from his portfolio.


    Monday, December 26, 2011

    Jobs - Tips for Applying for a Job

    Applying for a Job

    There are four general methods of applying for a job including:

    (1) mailing your resume,

    (2) emailing your resume,

    (3) faxing your resume, and

    (4) hand delivering your resume.

    Mailing Your Resume

    Some companies prefer that you mail your resume. For this type of approach, it is best to include a cover letter with your resume. The cover letter is a basic letter that describes the position that you are interested in and a few details of your qualifications and skills. It is basically your lead in to it. Before writing your cover letter, you should know whom the letter is to be addressed to. You never want to begin a cover letter with "Dear Sir or Madame" or "To whom it may Concern." It shows that you have not prepared, and that you are not looking for a specific position with their company, but any job that you can get your hands on. Basically, it is disrespectful to your prospective employer.

    Emailing Your Resume

    Emailing resumes is becoming a commonplace way for recruiters to get them. Attach it as a word document or a PDF file. These are the most common formats and what most companies will accept. The subject line should read like this: Smith, John (Accounting Position). This makes it easy for the recruiter to know who the email is from, and what it pertains to. It also assures that your email will be read. Sometimes there are specific methods for addressing an emailed resume. Some companies have certain subject line requirements (so follow them!). If the company wants you to paste it, don't send attachments because your email will be deleted right away.

    Faxing Your Resume

    You will need to include a cover letter when faxing your resume. If you are not using your own fax machine, be sure to include your proper contact information. The rules for your cover letter are the same as for mailing it.

    Hand Delivering Your Resume

    You will want to dress appropriately, as you would for an interview. Generally, companies ask you to do this if you are going to be working directly with customers. They ask for a walk-in because they want to get a look at your grooming habits right away. Sometimes, the employer will give you a brief interview on the spot to see if they will require a formal interview later. So be on your best and most appropriate behavior. Also, walk-ins do not require you to bring a cover letter with your resume. Your appearance is sort of the cover letter. Sometimes, you will be requested to fill out an application form as well. Smile and be polite, no matter who you are speaking with.

    Hilary Basile is a writer for, you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life's major events. Whether you're planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you'll find answers to your questions at

    Find employment tips and resources, such as resume and cover letter development, interviewing skills, and information for those considering a career change at


    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    Attributes of a Good Employee That Employers Look For During a Job

    Every time a company advertises for a job opening, hundreds if not thousands of job seekers forward their applications. It therefore goes to show, in order for you to stand out from other job applicants there are some aspects you have to seriously take into account.

    Whenever employers conduct interviews, they are in search of candidates who show confidence in themselves. It is always advisable to be well informed; this plays a major role in improving your self esteem. Be informed in different areas since interviewers ask questions that are sometime not necessarily related to your area of expertise.

    In addition be flexible, to prove that you can be used in other areas of business operation. A business owner always wants to have an all rounded worker. Familiarize yourself in financial and social issues by reading the newspaper on current affairs. Know what is happening in the stock market especially if the company you are looking to work for is listed.

    Interviewers ask simple questions like, "are you married?" even though you may not be married at the moment, always show you have plans to do so in future, this proves your maturity level. Employers always look for a future oriented employee.

    Whenever you fail to qualify for a job, rather than giving up find out where you went wrong and improve on it. This are some of the basic requirements that you need to consider to increase your chances of landing your dream job. Keep your dream alive, even if it takes long before you get a job since nothing in life comes easy.

    Belsheba shares her experience in personal growth that will definitely add value to your life. Website: Personal Development Tips


    Wednesday, December 21, 2011

    Freelance Photography: How to Begin Your Career

    Photography is a vast world. There are many different types of photography and many different kinds of people that enjoy it. It's a hobby that be relatively inexpensive or one that you can invest a lot of money on. Photos are so special because they give us memories of times and places and events in our lives. We can hold onto these memories forever with a photograph.

    As much as people love photos, many people love taking them even more. Whether it's a mother who takes photos at every of her children's moments in life (first smile, first step, first spaghetti meal) or maybe it's the father who never forgets his camera for a football or basketball game, or maybe it's the young girl who loves nature hikes with her camera; these people are not exceptions. They all have an eye for those special moments and they all appreciate the camera's ability to capture that moment and freeze it in time forever.

    - What is Freelance Photography?

    What if you love photography so much you wish you could do it for a living? I mean, you actually get paid for your photographs! But you work solely for yourself, selling each photo or series of photos individually. You don't have a boss. You work sometimes on assignment and you may sell to magazines. That is freelance photography.

    Freelance photography may be your entire career or it may start out as something you do in your spare time but begin making money from it. It's just like freelance writing in this sense that many people turn it into a career and enjoy the freedom of working essentially for themselves on their own time and making money doing something they love doing anyway.

    - How to Build a Portfolio

    To start getting jobs as a freelance photographer, you need a portfolio. A portfolio will show samples of your work. Even if you have never had photographs published or publicly displayed, you can start a portfolio of your best work and then add onto it if you win photography contests or start receiving paid work.

    - How to Get Jobs

    As we mentioned, building a portfolio is the first step in submitting your work for pay but when it comes right down to it, it's the quality of the photo that will determine if you get paid for it. Some people have more of a natural talent for taking great pictures than others but it is a skill that anyone can learn. There are schools dedicated to the art of photography and you can even get a degree in it. If you are just getting started, you can look into classes provided by your local community center or community college. Some cities have photography groups that meet to share photos and tips. There are also many groups online dedicated to photography and freelance photography.

    You need to view as many famous photographs as possible. Take a look at what is getting published and compare it to your own photos. This allows you to compare and learn from other's work. It takes more than just point and shoot to get a great photo. You need to learn about focus, lighting, colors and backgrounds and much more.

    Once you start learning about photography and creating a portfolio, you can start submitting your photos to contests and magazines. Get a list of photography markets and start submitting to ones that accept your type of photos. Don't expect to make it to the big times right away. Few people actually achieve this but you can start small and eventually make your way into a nice living from freelance photography.

    Looking for information about Photography? Go to: 'ASA Photography' is published by Colin Hartness - An excellent resource for Photography! Check out more Photography articles at:


    Sunday, December 18, 2011

    A Career in Image Consulting

    You might have seen them while watching TV shows such as Extreme Makeover, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, or What Not to Wear. Or you might have heard that Martha Stewart needed them to give her advice on how to look sympathetic to a jury.

    We're talking about Image Consultants, and they have one of the hottest new businesses today.

    Also known by such titles as wardrobe consultant, fashion stylist, or makeover consultant, image consultants are paid to show people how to create a fabulous impression. They might recommend wearing different colors or new styles, go through closets to toss out clothing that isn't working, shop for a new wardrobe, and put together incredible outfits. They might advise a change of hairstyle, makeup, or grooming.

    However, image is more than physical appearance. In addition to how someone looks, we also form impressions based on how someone talks and behaves. So image consultants may also advise people on their vocal communication (voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc.), non-verbal communication (handshakes, posture, eye contact, etc.) and etiquette - from dining to cell phones.

    Most image consultants also develop a network of strategic partners they can refer clients to, such as hair stylists, makeup artists, nutritionists, dentists, personal trainers, plastic surgeons, and voice coaches.

    Image consultants offer the kind of advice that can help people land a job, get a promotion, find someone to love, or just feel good about themselves.

    It's no wonder they are so well rewarded, typically earning at least $50 per hour advising individuals how to present a better image. A particularly lucrative avenue is presenting training programs for corporations. Image consultants can earn thousands of dollars a day teaching seminars on dressing professionally (including dos and don'ts for casual Fridays), telephone etiquette for customer service staff, communication skills for new supervisors, and other topics.

    TIP: If you are one of the rare few who think image doesn't matter, try shopping at a fine store dressed in what you would normally wear to clean your basement or move furniture. Then visit the same store looking well-groomed and wearing your best suit. Chances are the staff will treat you quite differently!

    The first step to becoming an image consultant is to decide what kind of services you want to offer. You could specialize in wardrobe or fashion consulting, offer advice on communication skills and etiquette, or be a makeover consultant who gives feedback on "the whole package."

    The next step is to get some experience. While there are a variety of books and training programs you can use to quickly learn the basics, nothing beats hands on experience. Offer free makeovers for friends and family members who will agree to let you take "before and after" photos. You can then put the photos in a portfolio or on a web site to help you get paying clients.

    There are many types of clients who use the services of image consultants, including: women who want a new look, job-seekers, corporate executives and their spouses, beauty pageant contestants, lawyers and their clients, cancer survivors, television personalities, transgender individuals, politicians, and singles seeking a partner.

    "It is a great time to get into the field," says celebrity image consultant Gloria Starr. A 20 year industry veteran who has helped shape the image of clients such as Destiny's Child, 3M, and Celebrity Cruise Lines, she shares expert advice on how to get started in the Guide to Becoming an Image Consultant.

    "This is the busiest time in my 20-plus years. People are looking for the edge in business," says Starr. "Presenting themselves for success by dressing well and using appropriate business and dining skills opens the doors for greater recognition and success."

    Is image consulting the right career for you?

    - Skills that can help you succeed in this career are a strong visual sense as well as excellent communication skills. You must be able to diplomatically tell someone what they need to improve about their appearance.

    - Image consulting is a service business so it doesn't require a large investment to get started.

    - You can start part-time while working at another job.

    - To be credible, you must have a professional image yourself.

    Based on the Guide to Becoming an Image Consultant. The complete guide offers detailed information about how you can break into this career and get hired as an image consulting. It is available online through (NOTE TO EDITORS: This article may be edited for publication in your newsletter or on your website but must include the title of the guide and a live link.)


    Saturday, December 17, 2011

    Employment Law and Fake Training Certificates Considered

    Creating a fake training certificate is very easy with a word processing program, a scanner, and an actual original that has someone else's name on it. Still, it is a fake, and it is a forgery, not to mention the fact that it is against the law to purport that you have taken a training course that you did not.

    In Washington DC about seven or eight years ago, they were hiring a tremendous number of information technology specialists to help them upgrade all the software and computer systems that run our government. Nearly every agency was hiring for this and they needed computer people, and they were running out of people to hire.

    Since the pay was very good, and because they needed so many people they were not always able to check to make sure the training certificates presented were indeed valid. Anybody with a limited amount of computer knowledge could apply for the job, show a fake certificate, and get hired. Many of them believed that if they were hired, they could then go get the training they needed. And some did just that and no one was ever the wiser.

    However, a bunch of people were caught with fake degrees from online colleges (shell companies) claiming that they did computer training. These companies would ask a series of questions about your business experience in the computer field, and then they would credit your experience towards a degree in computer science. The applicant would merely lie, and the system would give them the degree; for a fee of a couple of hundred dollars.

    Once you receive the certificate in the mail you could use it to help yourself get a job doing IT work for the government. You can imagine that the proverbial dog crap hit the fan when the government figured out how rampant the fraud was and how many people had broken employment laws, doctored their resumes, and lied to get a job.

    Worse some very high-ranking officials in our government also had fake degrees and training certificates. Many of these cases made the national news, and made our government look impotent and stupid. Of course, the government didn't like being lied to or being made a fool by the media or in public; investigations and prosecutions swiftly followed. Much of our employment case law concerning these things got a huge upgrade at that point. Please consider all this.

    Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. Lance Winslow is also Founder of the Car Wash Guys, a cool little Franchise Company;


    Friday, December 16, 2011

    How to Deal With an Extended Job Search

    Job loss is disruptive and tragic. Finding a job is uncomfortable and riddled with rejection. In a previous edition of Dick Bolles, "What Color is Your Parachute?", he included a page with "no" written all over it, and at the end of the page the single word "yes". His point? Rejection is part of the job search process. Dealing with the rejection can take its toll on you emotionally and physically.

    Recently, a panel of three counseling experts spoke to a group of career professionals on the subject of dealing with an extended job search. They gave great advice from a counseling perspective and great resources - which I have included at the end of this article.


    The first step is to determine if you are showing symptoms of depression. In David Burns book, Feeling Good, he has included a short depression test. If you are depressed, it is something to get treated quickly. It will not only show up in your daily life, but it will also show during the job search process or worse - in the interview. Depression could wreck your entire job search.


    A few years ago a young man went into a mall in North Dakota and started shooting. Earlier that day he had been fired from his job. A 60-year old man who found out he was going to be laid off from NASA walked into his bosses office and shot his boss and then himself. We hear these kind of stories all too frequently. These people have wrapped their entire life to their work. When their job is yanked out from under them, their unbalanced lives topple. Desperation kicks in.

    Work is just one aspect of your life. THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN YOUR JOB. Family, professional development, recreation, friends, your spiritual outlet, etc. lead to a well rounded life. When work ends - and it will eventually end - make sure you have a robust life centered around all aspects - not just work.

    The Basics

    When you are in a job search, it is imperative you get back to the basics.

    · Job Search - get up each morning and "go to the office" (figuratively). Get dressed and get to work on finding a job.

    · Network - 80% of job seekers find their job through networking. Go to two different networking events each week.

    · Take Breaks - After you've reached about 4-6 hours, you should call it a day on your job search. Staring at a computer, working your network, and applying for jobs will burn you out. Do something physical - take a walk, ride your bike, shoot baskets for 45 minutes will help you clear your mind.

    Career Change

    Don't rule out career change. One of the panelists spoke about an IT professional in his 50's that had been laid off. He started exploring careers, and by taking the Campbell Interest Inventory, he scored "off the charts" for Aircraft Mechanic. A few years later, our speaker reported, he received an email from the man. He said he pinched himself each day when he walked into the hanger at his job as an Aircraft Mechanic!

    Find your passion - and there are many assessments like The DISC w/Career Match, Strong, and Campbell that can help. Really explore childhood dreams and fantasies. Find the activities that you really lose track of time doing. Once you've identified your passions, figure out how you can make money doing it. Think outside the box, and look at all options.

    Dealing with family and friends

    Much like dealing with a chronic illness, family and friends may become uncomfortable, agitated, or withdraw. How can you deal with this? First, realize this is normal behavior. They are just as concerned (and possibly frightened) as you are. If they are nagging, try to encourage them to back off a bit. If you are distraught and inconsolable, try to steer clear of friends.

    One of the panelists mentioned she had a client who was going through an extended job loss. He was very anxious about his spouse's support. The Therapist brought in the client's spouse to discuss with her the situation, and the spouse said "I would move under a bridge with you if it came to that." With the "pressure off", the man was able to find a job relatively soon after getting that relief.

    You will work again

    Statistically speaking, you WILL find another job. It will be quicker and easier if you have a positive outlook, get back to the basics, know your career options - even if it a career change, and get family and friend's support. Although there will be rejection along the way, it only takes one "yes" to eradicate a page of "no's".

    Recommended Resources:


    · Feeling Good by David D. Burns, MD
    · Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman, PhD
    · Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman, PhD
    · The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmond Bourne, PhD
    · eBook: How to FINALLY Find What You Love to Do AND Get Paid For Doing It: The DEFINITIVE Guide to Finding and Successfully Pursuing Your Passion by Brian Kim

    Jay Markunas is a Career Coach and Fortune 500 HR Professional. Along with his partner, Angela Loeb, he helps people gain clarity and develop successful strategies for career transition. Through their company, Great Occupations, they help job seekers and career shifters by offering The Job Search Boot Camp webcast, Find a Career You Love tele-coaching event, career & job coaching services, and career-related products.
    Angela & Jay write a Daily Job Tips Blog, and each 1st & 3rd Saturday morning, Jay & Angela host The Job Search Boot Camp Show - which also available on iTunes.


    Thursday, December 15, 2011

    Working in Hotels - A Good Career Option?

    There are many jobs that are related to the hospitality industry as it is one of the main industries that employ people. This is due to the fact that there are many things you can do working in a hotel and many different professions are needed. If you are already working in a hotel or are trying to be involved in this business, you should also know that you are going to face many challenges. Things are not very glamorous but are still very rewarding.

    First of all, let's see a brief overview of jobs that are related to the hotel industry. A hotel needs a receptionist in fact more than one. If you can speak and understand two or more languages and know are can easily learn a computer system, you can definitely apply for this job. You should start from a small hotel and gradually reach your goal. If you have experience, you can apply to hotels that are more luxurious if you prefer. The environment there might be better, but this is not a fact so take time to think about it. Jobs around the reception desk or lobby include grooms, bell boys and concierge, but not all hotels have them. A hotel also needs housekeeping and cooks to operate.

    Housekeeping jobs include people to clean rooms, people to be in charge of the floors and monitor activities. Kitchen staff includes chefs and cooks and of course service. So if you are a cook and prefer a hotel environment you can opt for a hotel job. There are also many jobs for operations. This means that the hotel also needs people with degrees and experience for the sales departments, management and marketing departments.

    If you are a professional in the above categories and are interested in hospitality you can apply for a job that will allow you to apply your knowledge in this environment. You will be asked to promote sales, maintain and increase the quality services the hotel offers and find ways to cut down costs. Saving money, saving time and increasing sales is what hotels are all about.

    The one thing that you will need working in hotels is to be customer oriented. This means that regardless of being a cook or the manager, you should have the customer as your priority. Services that are provided should be according to them and you should always show that you are willing to find a solution in every problem. You should also be honest if you can't do anything about something that they ask you and suggest alternatives.

    Personalities that have these characteristics are those that succeed in the industry. Working in hotels is not easy as the environment is very limited and conflicts with employees occur often. In cases like these, there is sadly not much you can do. Make sure you have the qualifications needed and do your job well so that you can maintain a level of dignity that can help you in your career.

    For hotel recruitment including international catering recruitment, visit Catering Services International - the world's specialist hospitality recruiter.


    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    PSW Employment in Canada

    The term PSW is actually an acronym for Personal Support Worker. In some ways using the term PSW can be seen as more correct, as a the government of Ontario classifies Residential Care Workers, Long Term Care Workers, Personal Aid Workers and Residential attendants as PSW's in their literature and announcements.

    Now that we have some of the technicalities sorted out let's take a look at how much a personal support worker can expect to be paid in the province of Ontario.

    The Canadian Union of Public Employees, which is known as CUPE released a research report that found unionized workers earning $14.65 on average when working in the public sector. They also found that non-unionized workers earned approximately $13.42. In private settings wage dropped to $11.74 for unionized public sector and $11.52 for non-unizoned employment.

    The CUPE report was filed a few years back. Most likely PSW wages throughout Ontario have increased due to a 2007 pay increase ruling from the government of Ontario, which, in increments, increased the wages of a large portion of provinces PSW's that worked in public facilities.

    So at this point we've established that the pay is good. What's the job market looking like? The good news is that this question has basically answered for us. Demand for PSW workers is increasing.

    The government of Ontario recently committed an additional $107 million to their 2008 budget in order to specifically hire an additional 2500 personal support workers throughout the province by the year 2011.

    With close to $15 an hour average wage and the provincial budget earmarking over $100 million in increased hiring PSW employment in Ontario looks to be on the rise.

    Are you interested in becoming a personal support worker? If so you can check out PSW School Program & Courses information. Or if you are already practicing its always good to keep your options open by using the PSW Jobs & Employment page.


    Tuesday, December 13, 2011

    Offshore Oil Rig Jobs and Employment

    If you are interested in entering the oil industry then you need to be sure you have got what it takes to apply for these positions. There are a few aspects that need to be taken into consideration when you are thinking about joining this industry. If you have had little or no previous experience then you will need to work at an entry level job and work up.

    The easiest way to improve your chances are to work for an onshore oil rig company first or complete a Fire-fighter or basic offshore survival certificate. This training is not required but may increase your chances of getting the job you want. When you work at an onshore company you will be trained to use the equipment safely and learn how to oil rigs work. Onboard there will be classroom-based training as well as practical training. Over time you will be given the chance to move forward and apply for work that is more demanding and better paid. Starting off at an entry-level job you can expect a salary of US 50,000 a year and upwards. This amount may vary depending on your contract with the Oil Company. Do not be put off if you may think you are too old. There are many people who work on an oilrig will into there 60's! Provided you are in good health, physically able and pass the required medical certificate you are an ideal candidate for the oil rig industry.

    To be successful in obtaining work, be sure you are physically strong and able, as this work can be very demanding. If you know someone who works within the industry, ask them to put a word in for you as the company is more likely to hire someone who has a good reference from someone who already works there. If you need to begin at the bottom and work your way up, then you will probably work as a roustabout or roughneck. When you apply for these jobs, be sure to mention any previous experience you may have had to anything relating to oil industry work. This could include trade experiences. If the company considers you a good worker and competent, they may then offer you another job that is more difficult and demanding. Salaries start of at US 50,000 a year or US $300 a day and work up to US 100,000 a year. If you want to work overseas then you can earn up US 220,000. Living offshore may be hard the first time but over time as you adjust you will be more comfortable.

    There are a few general guidelines to living offshore: You may be required to work a nightshift, as an oilrig is a 24-hour operation. Be sure to not upset the chef, medic or radio operator, as you may need medical attention, food and helicopters. When you have your meal, take off your work outfit and eat in the galley. When you submit your CV to oil companies, make sure your CV stands out from the rest. You can do this by using coloured paper and strong font. Make sure there are no spelling mistakes, as this may not seem to important at least they know you have taken time to prepare a good CV. Ensure the writing is easy to read and if you can type it out on a computer and print it out. Include a cover letter stating exactly what you hope to obtain.

    There are safety issues to consider when working in the oil industry. When you arrive on an oil rig you will be issued with a hard hat and work goggles. These are usually required to be worn when working around dangerous areas. There are a few general guidelines to living offshore: You may be required to work a nightshift, as an oilrig is a 24-hour operation. Be sure to not upset the chef, medic or radio operator, as you may need medical attention, food and helicopters. When you have your meal, take off your work outfit and eat in the galley.

    Claire Calkin has been working in the oil rig employment industry for over 4 years and during this time has provided countless people with advice and assistance on how to best get jobs in the oil industry. Follow this link for further information on offshore oil rig jobs.


    Sunday, December 11, 2011

    Career Personality Tests

    Since most people spend a majority of their life on the job, choosing a career that you actually enjoy is very important for a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. Choosing a career that does not suit your personality can lead to confusion, unhappiness and boredom. People seek to find a career that best suits their natural traits and talents. When your work lets you realize your true potential and utilize your talents to the fullest, only then can you be satisfied with your career.

    Personality Tests

    Large corporate companies and business houses around the world hire employees by conducting personality tests as it measures skills, abilities, values and interests. These tests determine one's aptitude for a certain type of career and even mention the right job that suits an individual's personality. They determine the personality type; whether you are outgoing or reserved, realistic or imaginative, logical or sensitive, organized or spontaneous.

    Personality Tests Help:

  • Match individuals to career interests

  • Improve employee communication

  • Increase team effectiveness and productivity

  • Reduce workplace conflict

  • People understand themselves and others
  • How A Personality Test Works

    An informal series of questions is prepared and a team of experts analyzes the test results. They examine different personality aspects to form a personality profile. This profile is then discussed within a group, comprising of a panel of psychology graduates and career advisors. The best career choice is made according to the personality type and a detailed report is declared in front of the candidate.

    There are a variety of tests that measure your intelligence and skills and assess your ability to succeed in a career. Some are more complex as compared to others. Some might be free of cost or may charge a nominal fee. The tests range from a five-minute color test to an hour-long complete personality test.

    1) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This is the most important tool that helps to assess a personality type and explore career options. A certain amount of fee is charged for conducting the test. It is fast, secure and confidential.

    2) Career Key: This is a free online assessment tool that helps people make the best career choice.

    3) Keirsey Temperament Sorter: This tool helps discover what type of temperament you possess and tells if you are an Artisan, Guardian, Rational or Idealist. They also charge a small fee for conducting the test.

    4) Princeton Review Career Quiz: A series of questions are answered and accordingly, the best career choice is determined. They estimate your personal interests and usual styles. Registration is necessary for getting the results.

    5) Strong Interest Inventory: This tool helps to match your interest with a professional career.

    The results of these tests give a fair indication of an individual's personality and should not be relied on as absolute. The examiners analyze the personality profile based on the answers. Taking a few personality tests can acquaint you with new career options that might not have been considered before.

    These instruments help evaluate your personality type and explore new career options. A proper match between your job and your personality plays a major role in ensuring job satisfaction. Personality tests will direct you to a profession that will best compliment your personality.

    Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.


    Saturday, December 10, 2011

    Overcoming Job Interview Objections

    Are you an active participant in the labor market looking for a job or career? Do you dread or endure negative experiences with job interviews? It is not fun to go through the process of looking for a job and being hit with objections from a potential employer in a job interview; yet, you just might become hired for a position you interview thoroughly for. You will become acquainted with how to possibly overcome particular job interview objections. We will cover role-playing scenarios.

    Human Resources Manager: "The position you are interviewing for requires experience. According to your resume and job application, you do not possess the experience we require."

    Employment Applicant: "We all have to get our feet wet before we are thrust into the fire. Plus, the only way somebody can gain experience for a position is if he or she is granted the opportunity to learn and acquire experience. I am a quick learner and I am a person who is very easy to train."

    Human Resources Manager: "We like to bring on board employees who possess a stable employment history. Your resume and job application indicate you have never held a job for more than six months at a time."

    Employment Applicant: "I left my first job after a short period of time because it was an internship for my field of study I completed during my last year of college. My second job did not last long because my employer had to drastically reduce the work force to stay in business as a result of times being tough. I left my third job after six months of starting because it was time to move on."

    Human Resources Manager: "I think you are overqualified because you have had so many good jobs and you have vast management experience. You probably would not embrace being a waiter."

    Employment Applicant: "I understand you do not want to overpay me before I prove myself. I am willing to negotiate my salary; furthermore, I am not too proud to accept an entry-level position as a waiter."

    Human Resources Manager: "You appear to be an employee we would be thrilled to hire. However, we do not currently have room to hire a new employee. We will keep you in mind."

    Employment Applicant: "I understand. I look forward to working for you as soon as you have an opening. Thank you for your time and consideration."

    Human Resources Manager: "You appear to be too quiet and laid back."

    Employment Applicant: "I do not like to interrupt others and I try to not appear to be too aggressive or talkative. I really have a lot of energy and ambition to be a valuable asset for your company."

    Do not let yourself have something to regret. If you are notified about not being selected for hiring after an interview, ask why you were not selected.

    Do what you have learned to overcome job interview objections!

    Todd Hicks owns Skill Development Institute, an enterprise that provides a keyboard typing lesson and academic study guide. To become a great typist or student, visit Skill Development Institute.


    Friday, December 9, 2011

    Want A Great Career? Try Planning For One!

    There are no shortcuts to successful careers or successful lives. There may be some luck involved when people win lotteries and bets, but this does not mean that everyone is going to be lucky and hit that million-dollar jackpot. Those people have to make some quick decisions in their lives, and make instant career changes.

    For those who are not close to hitting that million-dollar jackpot, here are some tips that will help you change your career for the better.

    1. Snap back to reality - As easy as it may seem, changing careers can be a challenging and daunting experience and far from easy. It all boils down to how you perceive it. If you want to change your career, then do it quickly. Put in all your effort and all the strength that you have. Remember that you are wasting more effort and energy being stuck in a job that you do not like, and one that doesn't appeal to you.

    2. Do not expect miracles - There are going to be no miracles where your career change is concerned. Do not think that a career change is going to come to you miraculously. The only person who can help you escape from your current dead-end career is you! Be proactive. Don't just sit there complacently and expect some dream career to land in your lap. It is not going to happen unless you take some steps to make it happen. You need to really go out there and do some work.

    3. Analyze your values, passions and skills - When you have decided to start working on your career change, the first thing that you have to do is analyze the things that matter to you the most. These things will focus on your values, your passions and your skills. Values are principles that you adhere to in life, and these are important in your career. Passion for a particular career or being passionate about something is what will make you want to do a particular thing to the best of your ability. Your skill is the ability that of doing something well. Your passions and your skills need to be on the same wavelength.

    4. Focus on the positives - When you are looking for an instant career change, you need to have a positive outlook. It does not help when you are constantly demoralized or unmotivated to change your career. Think about how much better you would feel if you were doing something you were passionate about.

    So when you are trying to change your career as fast as possible, it helps to plan and plan well.

    Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.


    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    5 Easy Job Search Tips

    The economy is far from being at its healthiest and that is why there seem to be more unemployed people these days. Are you one of them? Then you should be able to increase your chances of getting hired by learning some of the best and basic job search tips around.

    But again with the economy down it is a bit harder to land a decent job. You will need to exert a little bit more effort in your search and to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest. And as desperate as this may sound, sometimes you will just have to settle with a job that is not in line with your previous career.

    And so I you need to find a job here are some useful tips that I have prepared that you may want to follow:

    Start your search with your own network. You can begin with your friends and simply ask them if they know of any job opening that fits your skill sets. They might even go out of their way by asking their friends and colleagues for any job opening. Even better if you can ask your former work colleagues since they are already pretty much more aware of your capabilities. So if they know of any available jobs that is right for you, they would certainly mention it to you.

    Do not just send out resumes to every job ad that you find. You should narrow down your search and select only those that you honestly think you have a higher chance of being accepted. In short, you should choose your battle. You are just one person, it is impossible for you to cover all the job openings in town in any given day or week. So save yourself from all the trouble and from wasting your time.

    Have a friend read your resume to help check for any grammar or spelling errors. Believe me on this, hiring managers would easily throw your resume into the trash bin if it is filled with such errors. Often it takes another pair of eyes to spot the mistakes that we have made.

    Look for as many sources of job ads as you possibly can. Cover the basics: newspapers, network of friends, and online job boards. But keep in mind that the majority of job openings are never advertised. And for this reason it is very important that you make good use of your own network so you can be updated about the most attractive job openings for you.

    And this is probably the best advice that you can take during these trying times. You should make the most of your unemployment? How? There are many ways to do this. One is you can improve your chances of getting hired by learning a new skill or upgrading your skill sets. Or you can do something meaningful like doing some volunteer work in any organization. Another is you can set up a small business for the time being that you do not have yet any job.

    There you go. These are just some of the important job search tips that you can do to help you find the right job at the right time. Do not be in a hurry because when you rush things you will just end up either still unemployed or with the job that is not really the one for you.

    Get The Best Tips When You Want To Find A Job In Japan Today. Visit Us At For More Info.


    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    Employment For Felons - No Felon Turned Down!

    With the present economic situation, finding a good job has been made doubly difficult for the ordinary citizen. If you are an ex-felon, getting hired for a conventional job will be next to impossible. Employers want to protect their companies and reputations, and if that means excluding anyone with a criminal record from their ranks, they will do so. This doesn't have to mean that finding ways to make an honest living is impossible. There are various employment for felons; you just need to be resourceful enough to look for them.

    So what do I do next?

    One very popular way to earn money can be found on the Internet. All you need is Internet access and an email address, and you can immediately sign up with GPT or "get paid to" programs that abound all over the web. These programs undertake market research for big companies who seek information about their target market's likes, dislikes, and opinions. In turn, these market research programs pay consumers to answer surveys, complete questionnaires, or sign up for newsletters, free product trials, and other free offers to get the valuable information they need.

    But what about my criminal record?

    You don't need to have any special skills to sign up with GPT programs. You don't need to submit your resume, undergo a background check, or even take a drug test. You get paid for every survey, questionnaire, or free offer you complete, and payment is sent to you via check.

    Employment for felons used to be difficult to find. Being an ex-felon need not be a hindrance to earning an honest living. You just need to know where to look.

    To learn more about a popular GPT site, Click Here


    Monday, December 5, 2011

    When You Don't Want to Pay Someone to Find You a Job - What to Do & 7 What Not to Dos

    What to do when you don't want to pay someone to help you find a job? When you read these words on the world wide web you are closer than you think to building your own job-search tool kit at no cost or at very low cost. Challenge that now and learn how to "work" the Internet by reading this entire article of less than 500 words.

    What NOT To Do:

    • Not ignore your debt. Help is everywhere; just be careful.

    • Not say, "Woe is me!" "Why is this happening to me, again?"

    • Not "buy" the idea it's all about you and that what has happened is your fault.

    • Not talk trash to you (your mind) or to anyone around you. If it stinks, flush it.

    • Not be tempted to use Bill Gates' MS Word resume templates. Pros will know. Ugh!

    • Not put things off, way off & clean closets or the garage. Work your plan now.

    • Not think lightning will strike and it will be all better. The universe helps those who help themselves. Seize this moment.

    What TO do:

    1. Log on to a book browser site and consider used in  "good" condition the mighty little book, Don't Send A Resume by Jeffrey J. Fox.

    2. Research location of "One-Stop" state-sponsored employment offices. Call for appointment with counselor or trainer. Keep appointment. And use Department of Labor Employment Training Administration (ETA) on line.

    3. Start or join a "job club" that meets mornings over coffee at cooperating restaurant or coffee shop. Search "job clubs" on the Internet.

    4. Today help people less fortunate than you. Do it so intentionally you meet others helping and add them to your network.

    5. Research blogs, articles, social networks, and other online no-charge resources you can't believe are "out there" ripe for the picking. Hook up with social network experts for better results. Don't miss out; read this entire article.

    6. Read networking bible Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty by Harvey Mackay.

    7. Attend free online job search teleclasses (teleseminars, teleconferences).

    8. Conduct interviews with representatives of target employers on your own Internet radio show.

    9. Put your resume, password-protected, on free Internet site set up for that purpose.

    10. Write articles about your passion at no charge via Internet sites available for that purpose. Learn about free e-book by Seth Godin titled Everyone Is An Expert About Something.

    And get resource details by claiming access to free "seat" on job search and resume and cover letter live, interactive teleseminar (on the phone or on the web, your choice) Sundays at 9:00PM US Eastern via and score a) Reimbursement to the first 10 takers who buy and don't like the book Don't Send A Resume, no questions asked; b) Ask for and get free, 30 minute PDF review of networking bible, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty. c) Ask for and get free PDF copy of Seth Godin book Everyone Is An Expert About Something.

    Stephen Q Shannon The Free Teleseminar Resume Guy


    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    5 Reasons to Apply For a Job in Retail

    Economic conditions being what they are, unemployment figures off the charts and businesses failing left and right, it's important to know there are opportunities that are available.

    Retail jobs have had a bad name for years by those in the job market but it seems that there may be a misconception as there are many benefits to working in retail.

    1) There are almost always a boat load of jobs available in retail on several different levels. As is stands today, there are about 20 million Americans working in the retail sector indicating that there are many jobs from which to choose. Merchandising, information technology, communications, finance and loss prevention are just a few.
    2) The retail industry is one of the hot growth sectors in the US with over 2 million jobs expected to be added by the year 2012. That's a massive 10% increase over the next 3 - 4 years.
    3) Expect perks that you would normally not get working in other industries. Employee discounts alone could make working in retail a great option for many.
    4) Having the opportunity to work hours that suit you as well as having a variety of locations for many major US retailers makes a job in retail a great deal for mothers, students and those looking for a part time second job.
    5) Advancement opportunities are abundant with retail jobs for a variety of reasons. The expansion of retail as well as the variety of management positions available make a job in retail more than a job... it turns it into a career in retail.

    So, when your friends and neighbors want to know why you are working at Sears or have a job at Walmart, share some of these hidden perks. If your options are standing in the unemployment line or working in retail, it's obvious that retail rules.

    Will Stone has offered employment tips and company background information for years to those that are looking to improve their lives. Click here for Job seeking Online or to learn more about what Will Stone offers take a look at his Job Information Site. It has always been important for one to be a productive member of society and one way is to have a positive impact as either an employer or employee and Will does all he can to offer aid to those with the same though process.


    Saturday, December 3, 2011

    Solar Job Training - Preparing For a Career in the Growing Solar Power Industry

    As of March 2009, economic reports confirm that green collar jobs hold this economy's most promising career paths. People with technical skills and expertise on energy and electricity production and distribution, equipment installation and maintenance, particularly those who have participated in or taken solar training courses, are at great advantage. With the current US administration backing up the development of alternative energy sources, it is predicted that the solar industry will achieve a 30% annual growth and more.

    Throughout the globe, the United States is not alone in its initiative in advancing its energy sources and properties. There is also an observed increase in the demand for green collar jobs in many European and Asian countries. Today, US companies take hold of the most development projects in honing solar energy. These companies are taking advantage of the increasing demand for renewable energy sources as well as the country's tax advantage benefits. Hence, there is an open opportunity for people who are qualified for various solar jobs. Now is the best time to get some training and courses to qualify for professional solar jobs.

    Thankfully, there are a number of solar trainings and courses that are offered to qualify technicians, engineers and other equipment installing, handling and maintaining workers for the much coveted green collar jobs. These learning programs are intended to break in people to the growing solar industry. With the hands-on training, solar business and finance management courses as well as solar marketing and sales strategies, people from blue collar jobs can smoothly make their transition into the green collar jobs that require similar expertise.

    Below is the list of the training programs and courses that are offered to qualify for solar jobs:

    • Training on photovoltaic design, installation and applications to hone the expertise of technicians and engineers.

    • Grid-tied PV design training is a  focused in introducing modern ways of handling solar energy systems connected to the utility grid.

    • Advanced PV design training refers to the heightened level of PV design training, which requires the trainee to do the PV design and installation courses within strict NEC compliance.

    • PV lab management training is perhaps the ultimate hand-on training that a technician could get as it sets the participants in a direct field application scenario, handling and managing PV lab yards, giving them the opportunity to install and wire solar electric systems to different types of solar electrical system wiring configuration.

    • People from the traditional management and finance team can take advantage of the solar sales, marketing and economics courses that may be taken in a traditional classroom setup or online. The important point of this training is to train people from directly related blue collar jobs into the more specific marketing demands of solar energy systems.

    The potential of the solar industry has long been determined. Until the discovery of the depletion of the conventional sources, the industry's potentials have been set aside. Now, with the advent of the global go green attitude and the wide acceptance of the international community to solar energy as the closest alternative energy source, people who are qualified for green collar jobs can lead a successful career path regardless of the worldwide economic conditions and issues.

    From welders, electricians, roofers to architects, integrators, general contractors and other building professionals, the high demand for people qualified of solar jobs gives light could be just the kind of opportunity that people can take advantage of after the struggles that the current economic crisis have brought in their careers. Green collar jobs gave the technicians and engineers as well as marketing and finance professionals a great opportunity to rise from the ashes of the economy that may have cost them their blue collar jobs.

    By participating in the related courses and trainings that the government and the private training centers offer, workers can easily become qualified for the coveted job. As the key leaders in the global economy intend to invest on the solar industry in the future, these trainings and courses can bring many workers back on the job, not just any job but a well-paying job. High-paying job that preserved the environment; what's a more ideal job than that?

    Detlef runs where you can find out more about solar job training.


    Friday, December 2, 2011

    Anaheim Employment Services

    Most of the job seekers and employers with the help of various Employment Services manage to grasp suitable jobs and employees respectively. These Employment Services direct the professional careers of job seekers and manifest the human resources to blend employers and candidates. Such employment services provide technical, non-technical and all other kind of jobs to suitable and talented job seekers. These employment services help job seekers get career counseling; resume enhancement tips, interview training or general advice on the local hiring environment and workplace trends.

    The City of Anaheim provides a wide range of employment opportunities to job seekers. The employment agencies in Anaheim offer plenty of job opportunities in the field of Accounting, Administration, Banking, Biotech, Clerical, College, Computer, Customer Service, Engineering, Executive, Finance, Healthcare, Hospitality, Human Resources, Internet, IT, Manufacturing, Marketing, Nonprofit, Retail, Sales, Science, Tech, and many more. These agencies serve the employment needs of both local businesses and job seekers. The main intention of these agencies is to provide the businesses with employer recruitment services, labor market information, and to match employer's needs with qualified job seekers.

    The various recruiting agencies, which are a part of the employment services, offer jobs with secure full-time positions, temporary jobs and contract assignment where a candidate can rotate from assignment to assignment. A job seeker can get all information regarding salary, type of job, tenure of contract assignments, etc. The placement services in Anaheim also offer post placement services regarding the career growth of the candidates, satisfactory performance, financial reconstruction of a business concern from the employers, work culture and work satisfaction. The placement agencies provide a wide range of job offers so that a job seeker can choose the best possible suitable job. These agencies often conduct interviews on behalf of a company to select outstanding candidates.

    There a plenty of hot career jobs in Anaheim city: The hot jobs are: Account Manager, Channel Sales, Consumer Marketing, Coordinator, Corporate Marketing, Direct Marketing, Inside Sales, Manager, Market Research, Marketing Communications, Marketing Manager, Marketing, Outside Sales, Product Marketing, Sales Analyst, Sales Consultant, Sales Coordinator, Sales Engineer, Sales Manager, Sales Representative, Sales, Strategic Marketing, Telemarketing etc.

    Shakir A, independent writer for IT Recruiting and Staffing Services / IT Technical Professional Staffing Services, Jobs,Business,Consultancy, Recruiting and latest trends in hiring industry at San Jose, California and near by city/ states.Visit

    KoreOne believes in providing the best offer to our clients. KoreOne takes care of the interest of the customers and serves them with lucrative and permanent staffing solutions. KoreOne is providing services to Anaheim candidates for choosing specific career channels such as engineering, design, art, media, movie, television, video, science, biotech, business management, customer care / service, education, general labor, human resources, internet engineers, legal, manufacturing, marketing, public relations, advertisement, medical, health, nonprofit sector, real estate, retail, food, sales, fitness, security, trading, craft, software, database administrator, systems – network, technical support, transportation, web, info design, writing and editing sectors.


    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Career as a Toy Designer

    One of the coolest jobs is to become a designer of consumer products and there is good pay in it. Think of the people who designed the Norelco Razors or the Automatic Tooth Brush or the iPod. Very fun stuff no doubt and all those we have interviewed love their jobs and liken it to designing futuristic cars for GM, Ford, Ferrari or Jaguar.

    Even former aerospace workers, NASA scientists and race car designers have in fact enjoyed their careers so much that they become designers of a different type after retirement. What do all these people really consider when deciding what types of careers they can make their second claim to fame in? Believe it or not they choose toys. Why you ask? Well because they can put their full creativity into it without hard core project managers debunking their concepts and designs.

    And you know what it seems to be working too as would you just look at all the cool new toys on the shelves these days? I mean come on, do you remember toys that cool when you were a kid? Certainly not. The average Wal-Mart Store has so many cool toys it makes you feel like a kid again simply walking down the isles and looking at what none of us had back then. No wonder a career as a toy designer is one of the greatest careers in design? Consider this in 2006.

    "Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.


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