Friday, November 11, 2011

Successful Job Search Strategies

If you are searching for a job it is very helpful to create a job search strategy. Yes, looking for a new position can be overwhelming. However if you have a strategy in place you will have a clear road map to follow. This road map will help you define where you should spend your time and also how much time you should allot to the different tasks necessary to find a position.

Below are tips on tasks that should be part of a successful job search strategy. This practical advice is derived from my own experience as a 20 year veteran recruiter, success stories shared with me from human resource professionals and other job seekers.

If you are unemployed, you should dedicate Monday through Friday from 8-5 to finding a new job. That is 40 hours a week that you can now dedicate to finding the best match between your skills and professional desires with that of a new position.

For a successful job search you need to spend time each day on networking, researching companies, following-up on leads, new recruiter contacts, new corporate employer contacts, follow-up with recruiters and corporate contacts, sending out resumes and cover letters, time for interviews, interview coaching and motivation. These job search tasks have proven to yield results. Maybe not today or tomorrow but certainly over time you will see results in a successful job search strategy.

Here is a good example of a road map to a successful job searching strategy:

8-10 - spend time networking with friends, past colleagues, alumni etc. (minimum of 10 calls / 10 emails / 10 thank you notes)
10-12 - research a minimum of 10 new companies in an industry that you have experience or interest
12-12:30 - break
12:30-2:00 - contact new recruiters and new corporate employers ( minimum of 10 each)
2:00-3:30 - send out resumes and cover letters
3:30-4:30 - read a motivational, self help or inspirational book, or schedule time with a career coach
4:30-5 - plan your time for tomorrow. Journal

Obviously everyday will be different as you will also spend much of your time interviewing and preparing for interviews. Still, you need a plan, a job search strategy, for the days you aren't interviewing or preparing for interviews. If you will allocate your time to following the tasks in your job search strategy, you will find a position.

Another great tip is to create a job search strategy journal. Journal at the end of every day what worked the best today, any encouragement you received, new leads on companies, specific individuals or companies that you will follow up with sometime in the future, new advice or strategy you learned from today that you would like to implement tomorrow.

To accelerate your hiring process visit our resume distribution service that can quickly connect individuals looking for new career opportunities with targeted corporate employers and recruiters.

Lori Harbeck is the Co-Founder of both with its mission of putting America back to work quickly, and the President of a sales and executive search firm. Lori has a twenty year track record of success in talent recruitment, employee retention, accelerating time-to-perform metrics, as well as filling performance gaps. She has been instrumental in building sales and senior management teams, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.



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