Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Overcoming Inertia in Job Change

If you can hold on to an optimistic belief in the possibility of success, you have a very powerful motivator of change. But not everyone can, or will need help to do that as some are naturally more optimistic than others.

It can be especially difficult to be optimistic if you are feeling a little hurt or bruised following redundancy, but even when you know you need the change it can be difficult to get going. Just take a look at the stages:

Stages of Change

1) Thinking About Thinking About It

2) Thinking About It

3) Preparing For It

4) Acting Upon It

5) Maintaining It

1) Thinking About Thinking About It

You do not really want to consider a new job at all and you will actively resist if you feel pressured or coerced into changing.

You perhaps know you should be looking but you aren't really committed to job hunting.
You may be giving it some half-hearted thought because of pressure from others - "you really ought to get another job" but you do not want to take it any further.

"I'm not going to bother with job hunting. I've got my redundancy money now, so I've no real need to work." This response is OK if you've got enough money for the rest of your life or until your pension kicks in.

2) Thinking About It

You do see a need for change and you may be considering making a change "sometime" or perhaps when you're quite ready. Which isn't yet?

You are starting to contemplate and weigh the pros and cons of change.
"I suppose I should look for a job, I could get bored doing nothing"
"I need some mental stimulation to keep the old grey cells working"
"If someone offered me a job I'd consider it. I just can't face the thought of job-hunting"

3) Preparing For It

You've made a preliminary decision and you're preparing to make a change and look for the new job.

This stage involves both the psychological intention to change and the initial practical steps towards the change.
You now need to develop and enhance your plan and consider the consequences.

4) Acting upon It

You now start taking concrete behavioural steps, seeking information and following advice on practical strategies and activities.

You are now actively job-hunting. You are thinking about your skills and experience as well as getting your CV up to date. You start a file to chart your applications and other activities.

5) Maintaining It

You have started your job search process and are now making efforts to maintain the momentum of your campaign. You are applying for jobs, networking with contacts and attending interviews.

You soon recognise that it can be disheartening and that your confidence can waver after the initial enthusiasm. Try not to lose heart, a lack of early success can lead to a loss of motivation; but persistence, patience and perseverance will always pay off with the result you want.


Motivation is necessary for successful job hunting.
No-one but you is going to make you job hunt, and no-one but you can make it successful. However if you use good advice carefully, you will get the result you need.

With over 25 years running businesses; and as a Career Coach, Peter Fisher is well placed to guide job seekers through the steps needed in order to achieve that all important new position.

He has personally coached thousands of individuals to career success.

His distillation of these years of experience with all the essential facts and actions you must complete in order to achieve your own success is outstanding. He is very clear that you shouldn’t be misled into thinking of “acing interviews” or “finessing” your way into a business; the most sustainable and fulfilling roles are gained through understanding your own specific needs and creating your strategy accordingly. For specific guidance on how you might be more optimistic about your own career or job change at

You can learn more about his dynamic and comprehensive approach to career change, with every page dedicated to helping serious career changers at



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