Sunday, November 20, 2011

Felony Job Programs

Felony job programs are very important in order for an ex-convict to find a decent job. Oftentimes, companies are very reluctant to hire people with felony or criminal records because of the fear that the person might repeat the crime he or she has already served. The stigma against people with felony convictions continues to this day making it difficult for ex-convicts to find job opportunities.

Coupled with the fact that the offender may not produce any employment history from the time they were incarcerated and with the sheer number of unemployed job seekers they need to compete with, finding jobs for ex convicts is a serious headache to many. Some resort to lying about their past. Other times they just try to apply for low paying jobs that they are overqualified for. Fortunately, there are felony job programs that can help felons to find jobs.

Felony job programs are essential in order for a felon to rehabilitate himself and start to re-integrate into society. The government understands that despite the many laws provided to protect ex-felons from work discrimination, the stigma against felons persists, making it difficult for felons to land jobs. Therefore, felony job programs are established for ex-convicts.

Although general public mistrust is the main reason why many ex-offenders cannot find adequate jobs; there are other factors that constitute the reasons why re-integration into society seems so difficult. Lack of economic resources and opportunities, housing, inadequate education and even previous substance addiction are among the reasons why ex-felons find it so difficult to re-enter the society. Do you know that according to the Department of Justice over 650,000 prisoners are released from incarcerations in the United States every year? The process of re-integration of felons into society is often a very hard phase for the ex-convict and his family. Felony job programs help ease the difficulties experienced by ex-convicts and their families by giving assistance and helping with the job search of newly released felons.

There are actually 3 very important acts of legislation to help address the problematic situations faced by ex-felons. These acts of legislation aim to provide funding to organizations and agencies with felon-job programs to those who need it.

The Faith-Based Initiative Program of 2001 -

This act of legislation allows private citizens, non-profit organizations and faith based organizations that aim to help ex-felons to get monetary assistance from the federal government. The government can sponsor various activities of various Faith-based organizations that provide felony job programs to ex-felons.

The Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative Program of 2004 -

The Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative Program helps not just ex-convicts to get jobs but to actually return to society. Based on the suggestion of the State Prison System, a newly released individual is either immediately returned to the workforce or undergoes rehabilitation programs. Ex-felons are given the necessary trainings and education to enhance or create skills necessary for employment. They also provide the necessary lifts for an ex-felon to land a job successfully.

Second Chance Act of 2008 -

Ex-convicts receive the necessary support through the Second Chance Act. The funds for this act are given for the training courses that help people with previous felony convictions to find employment. The grants from SCA are used to fund not only for the reintegration of ex-felons but also for the rehabilitation of drug offenders.

Laws are also provided to help ex-felons from discrimination but we all know that they are not enough to help them. The best way by which an individual can re-enter society is to find employment. What better way to help than by felony job programs?

And now I'd like to offer a Free Report on the Top 10 Jobs for Felons, just click here: Jobs for Felons

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