Part Time Jobs For 16-Year-Olds
You just turned 16 and you are feeling very good about yourself. You just got your drivers license and with the help of your parents you just purchased your first car and you are able to go places and do things on your own that you were never able to do as a 15 year old. You have the freedom to drive yourself to parties, school dances, high school football games and to drive your date to the movies or to the beach. The thing is now that you have the added responsibilities of car payments among other things, you also need to start making more money than you did last year. This is why you actually need to find a higher paying job. And this article we will guide you towards the best part time jobs for 16 year olds so that you can start paying off your car and have a little extra money in your pocket. These are very tough financial times but if you look hard enough there are still some very good paying jobs out there.
For a 16 year old one of the best part time jobs out there is to be a waiter or waitress. Waitering jobs are some of the highest paying jobs that you can get as a teenager and this is not because of the hourly wage which is usually between $9 and $13 an hour. It is because of the tips that you can make over there. Good waitresses or waiters can usually bring home between $100 and $200 in tips if they are good at what they do. When people come into a restaurant to eat they are looking for a good meal but they are usually looking for someone that they can conversate with and someone that can make them feel a little better than they did when they first entered the restaurant. So in essence, your job is not only to provide excellent food service to these customers but you are also kind of being a psychologist as you are catering to what makes them feel good about themselves. A good waiter or waitress can make a name for themselves really fast among the restaurants customers, and if you are well liked they will usually request to sit at the table that you are waitering on. It is a fast paced atmosphere so you really need to have a lot of energy to be able to do this.
If a waitering job is a little bit too high paced for you then I would suggest applying for a job at your local library as a librarian. Librarians usually make between $8 and $12 dollars per hour but they are our a lot of off hours which will give you a lot of time to not only read your favorite books but to also do your homework and finish it up so that when you get home you will be able to have fun and hang out with friends. If your day is way too hectic for you been working at your local library is just the remedy for your peace of mind. By the time you have stopped working at your favorite library you will have become knowledgeable in many different subjects as you will have lots of time to read many books.
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Visit today to find the best resources online for Jobs For 16 Year Olds. If you are 16 and jobless or not happy with where your working at visit them today and let them help your find the job of your dreams.
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