Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Best Jobs to Meet Women - How to Make Money and Meet Girls

What could be better than making money while meeting beautiful women?

Answer: Not Much!

Let's face it, most of us have pretty crappy jobs. Why do we think they're crappy? Well, salary aside, our jobs are the things that take up the MOST time in our day!

And if you're single, that's time that can be put to use meeting gorgeous girls to have fun with.

So if you can somehow "meld" work and play, you'll not only be able to make rent this month, you'll also be much, much happier!

Now, you can meet hot women in pretty much any job you can think of, but some jobs are actually better than others when it comes to meeting girls.

The criteria for these jobs are:

1. The job attracts lots of women to it.

2. The job requires you to interact with the women in some way.

3. You're in a position in the job that makes you attractive to women.

So while I'm sure there are methods for meeting hot girls while flipping burgers at McDonald's, for the sake of discussion, I'm going to focus on just five jobs which I think are the BEST for meeting super-hot girls, and don't require a great deal of skill or training to do. (Because let's face it, being a famous movie star or musician is hands down the best, but that's usually limited to a select few lucky guys.)

So let's begin...

Club Promoter: Club promoters are everyone's "best friend." They can get you the hook-ups at the hottest clubs, help you jump the line, get you free drinks -- the works. So if you are a club promoter, all the girls want to know you!

Luckily, the only requirement for being a club promoter is to get people to show up to clubs. If you talk to the manager of the club and get to know him, you can get all sorts of benefits which make you the "guy to know" for all those hot club chicks.

Unfortunately, club promotion doesn't pay that well, or at all in some cases, but hey - the perks are great! And you can do it in your spare time if you have another job.

Bartender: Everyone in the bar interacts with the bartender, and the hot girls love to flirt with the bartender as well! Being a bartender not only gives you an opportunity to meet everyone who enters the bar, but it also gives you an excuse to chat with anyone sitting at your station, including the super-hot ladies!

It doesn't take much skill to be a bartender, but the hours can be brutal, and depending on where you bartend, the income can vary - as can the quality of women! Bartending at a hip nightclub can be much better than that crappy dive bar near your place, but regardless, few bartenders ever go home without at least one number at the end of the night. Not only that - your ability to hook up with the female bartender co-workers is also greatly increased!

Personal Trainer: If there's one thing women are always worried about, its getting fat. So being a personal trainer is a great way to meet beautiful women. However, its also a great way to meet large, out of shape women as well! Being in the gym most of the day will give you exposure to other female personal trainers and women who like to work out, so the possibility for meeting gorgeous girls is definitely there.

Not only that, but being such an "authority" to your female clients is a big turn on for them, so its usually not a big stretch to become intimate with the girls you train. (Though it may not be the best for business!) A good side effect of being a personal trainer is that it gives you an excuse to stay in shape, which in turn can make it easier to attract women.

Clothing Store: Women love to shop, and beautiful women REALLY love to shop. Working (or managing) a clothing store that specializes in women's fashion or trendy clothing is a great way for you to constantly meet attractive girls.

Working in a store such as Abercrombie & Fitch will guarantee that a steady flood of attractive young girls are coming your way daily, and you have an excuse to talk with them too!

DJ: Finally, being a DJ can really up your chances of getting in good with the hot girls who love to dance. It's the next best thing to being a rock star, and it doesn't require much musical talent to pull off. Women love music, and music heavily influences people's emotional state. When you're a DJ at a party or a rave, you're the center of attention, and women will gravitate to you because of it.

Even better, you can become a DJ at a strip club and have an "in" with all the dancers who work there. Strip Club DJ's are practically guaranteed to get some action, and let's face it, they don't have to be very good to do so!

There are tons of great jobs out there that allow you to meet hot girls, but in my opinion, these five are the best. If you're desperate to meet girls and need some extra money to boot, give one of them a try.

Visit Joseph Matthew's website now to download his free guide on How To Meet Women. Learn how to easily meet beautiful girls without fear or rejection, and click the link to sign up for his free newsletter now:



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