Offshore Oil Rig Jobs
In order to gain Australia offshore oil rig jobs most workers are required to hold certain certifications such as a first aid certificate. If you are able to meet these requirements, then you can begin to look for a suitable position. For unskilled workers, most look to gain a position as a roustabout. A roustabout is the industry term for a general labourer. For skilled workers, there are numerous positions in a number of different departments that an oil rig requires. Some skilled positions that skilled workers may be interested in applying include such positions as drillers, electricians, mechanics, cooks and engineering positions.
Once someone has secured Australia offshore oil rig jobs, most workers are flown to and from the oil rig by a helicopter. Most workers are employed on a roster that will vary depending on what company you gain employment with. Most companies realise workers families commitment and ensure that the rosters reflect this. Some rosters include 2 weeks on and 1 week off or 14 days on and 14 days off. Whilst working on the rig, you will be required to both work and live in close confines to other workers. You must be able to get along well with other workers.
Due to the dangerous nature of working on an Australia oil rig, safety is of utmost importance and all employees must have a good attitude to safety. On arrival to the rig, you will be given a safety induction to ensure that you know what to do in an emergency. The rig also employs fire-fighters and medical staff in case of an emergency and all workers on the rig are trained in this area also.
While you are working on the rig, your living requirements such as food, accommodation and laundry will be catered for. The food that is provided to workers is usually of high quality and is available at number of different times during the day and night. The rigs also provides other facilities for workers such as satellite telephones to keep in contact with family and they may also provide facilities such as pool tables for entertainment when not required for work on the rig.
During your time in Australia offshore oil rig jobs, most workers are required to work 12 hour shifts. Most workers are required to work both day and night shifts so you need to be able to work night shifts. Once some workers have completed their shifts, they may be classed as on-call and must to go to the rig floor if there services are required. Once a worker has completed their roster, they are then flown from the rig in a helicopter.
Holding Australia offshore oil rig jobs is not for the faint-hearted. You are required to work long hours in often difficult conditions. However you are rewarded with a good income and great comradeship amongst fellow rig workers.
If you feel that this is the industry for you, it is important to obtain the correct advice to ensure that you meet all the requirements for gaining employment on an Australian offshore oil rig. It is also important to obtain good and honest career advice about working in the oil industry that is specific to you.
For further information on how to gain Australia offshore oil rig jobs please visit our website at

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