Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mining Dump Truck Driving Jobs

Australia mining dump trucks are impressively large machinery. For example, the CAT 797 dumper model has a capacity of 345 tonnes and is roughly 7 metres high. Although the dump trucks are massive pieces of machinery, they are relatively simple to operate. Therefore people from all different backgrounds are able to gain a position as a dump truck driver. In this capacity there are no age or gender restrictions. In fact, it is possible to gain employment in a driving position if you have had no previous experience working in a driving career.

In Australia mining dump truck jobs, you are not required to perform hard physical labour as with a number of other positions in the industry. This is another reason why these positions are popular to gain. More and more frequently, women are being hired by mining companies to fill dump truck driving positions. Mining companies realise the benefits of hiring women as they tend to have good safety records and minimise repairs costs. Women are certainly encouraged to apply for a dump truck position. The mining industry in Australia suffered only a minor downturn during the recent economic events, and it is now again growing at a frenetic pace.

While working as a mining dumper driver, you can expect to work 12 hour shifts usually working both day and night shifts. In most cases, you will required to work on a rostered basis. The roster that you work on does depend on the company that you gain employment with. Some rosters include 3 weeks on and 1 week off or 9 days on and 5 days off.

Although this is one of the most popular positions to gain in the industry, you are required to meet certain requirements. There is no age limit to gaining Australia mining driving jobs, in fact, workers close to retirement age are eligible for employment as long as they can meet the requirements of the mining companies. In order to gain employment in this capacity, mining companies may require that you meet their prerequisites.

Due to the popularity of this position, you may find it difficult to obtain this position without obtaining expert advice. A large number of people who apply for these types of positions, often find their application for a dump truck driving role is continuously rejected. To gain employment as a driver, you will need to ensure that you meet of all the requirements set out by the mining companies. Most of the employment criteria remains essentially the same fromt state to state, although there can be regional criteria to be aware of (for instance the entry level criteria in Western Australia differs from the Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland).

There is certainly assistance available for those who are interested gaining Australia mining dump truck driving jobs - and lets face it, who wouldn't be interested! If you are serious about wanting to working in the mining industry as a driver, there is a lot that you need to know before applying for jobs.

For further information on how to gain Australia mining dump truck driving jobs, please visit our website at:



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