Offshore Drilling Jobs - How To Get Hired Without Drilling Experience
So, you want to work an offshore drilling job. Do you know which companies are involved in offshore oil drilling? Besides the super-big players like Esso, BP, Shell, etc. Did you know that these big boys do not always do their own drilling? Quite often nowadays, they are forced to subcontract some of the work to smaller players.
Have you heard of these companies: Diamond Offshore (Houston, USA), Dolphin Drilling (Tananger, Norway), and Frigstad Offshore (Singapore)? How about Offrig Drilling ASA, Scorpion Offshore, Songa Offshore and Thule Drilling ASA? These are just some of the companies in the modern oil industry. In their own way, you can call them the modern wildcatters. During the last slump in oil prices, the giants like BP and Shell stopped investing in their staff and oil drilling technologies. But some smaller companies correctly predicted that prices would rise again. They invested in R&D to develop new drilling techniques and technologies. They build new oil rigs for deep-ocean drilling. These are the boys that Shell and BP are sub-contracting for oil drilling services.
If you want to work on an offshore oil drilling rig, you have two main choices. The path most people think of is to go on board as part of the drill crew. If you have prior experience, you will probably be a pumpman or derrickman. If not, you have to get in as a roughneck or roustabout. Drillers are pretty much the 2nd-in-command and assistant of the oil rig manager. Technically, a roughneck/roustabout is a laborer. On the other hand, how many laborers earn $50,000 per year for just 6 months of work every year? Unlike a normal laborer, who never gets the chance to work his way up to manager level, a roughneck with the proper attitude has a reasonable chance to become a manager on an oil rig. Of course, first he has to work his way through derrickman and driller.
This is not the only way to get an offshore drilling job. If you have some useful trade, like a cook or medic, this will be a good choice regardless of your offshore oil rig experience. You get the same generous living conditions of the drill crew, and better salary than a comparable job on dry land.
Just because it is an offshore oil rig does not mean it does not need office staff. No matter where you go, you can't escape paperwork. You'll still find your paper pushers. Except that on the oil rig they are called tool pushers. They work in the rig offices and rig floors.
You also have the mechanical department and electrical department. The mechanical department hires motormen, mechanics and maintenance supervisors who are responsible for all mechanical operations. The electrical department includes jobs like electrician, electronics technician and maintenance supervisors who repair and look after of all the electrical equipment.
An offshore drilling job is a very lucrative career. As you can see, you do not need drilling experience to get hired on an offshore oil rig. And now that you know there are companies other than Shell hiring people, you have many ways to get in on the action. You can get in as part of the drill crew, or as a tradesman. has been helping people get offshore drilling jobs since 1998.
Click here to to learn how we can help you get your offshore drilling job
Free Public Arrest Records?
It is really rather easy and convenient to conduct a Criminal Record Search on people nowadays. In fact, there is a whole range of specific categories of criminal records to choose from. Arrest Records is one of the favorites and there are good reasons for it. Generally, there is no limitation imposed by the authorities on the release of arrest record information. There is also practically no restriction on the use of the information derived. That makes it one of the friendliest and useful tools to research the criminal past of virtually anyone.
Except where the subjects are juveniles or when it is deemed to be against public interests of security or other official proceedings, arrest records are strictly public records. That means they are freely retrievable through any legitimate means that are available to the public. By definition, they are documentations of any detention or custody taken by law enforcement, including military authorities, on grounds of suspicion or allegation of criminal violation. This record itself stands whether or not it results in incarceration, indictment, dismissal, discharge or acquittal.
Arrest records are commonly used to check out job applicants, new neighbors, friends, prospective spouse or in-laws and even tenants. It must be noted though that it is not permissible particularly in relation to employment to officially ask someone if he or she has ever been arrested. When asked in that context, it should be understood that an individual can rightfully decline to answer without any threat or repercussion.
There are a number of options to access arrest records. Free information can be obtained from police departments or even the FBI with written requests. Many of the government agencies have websites that will serve this purpose too. Fees are usually nominal if required at all. There are also private databases on the web which can be explored. Some are free, some paid and others hybrid in a sense that charges come into play depending on what level of information is sought. For example, many of the commercial information brokers online offer free searches and charge when hits are made and download of the report is ordered.
Why take any chance with people when you can have the complete truth with a simple Public Arrest Records Check? Visit us at Arrest Records Online to learn all about Police and other Criminal Records.
Report Writing - How to Format a Business Report
Report writing is a time consuming business so it is a great shame if, having devoted all that time to writing your report, the quality is such that hardly anyone can be bothered to read it. Quite frankly, most report readers do not actually read all the report; they are too short of time. You might as well know it and accept it -- that is normal. They only read the parts that interest them. Frequently these are the summary, the conclusions and recommendations.
Of course, some readers do need all the details you so carefully included, they are specialists, but most do not. Most readers just need two things: that the information they want is where they expect it to be so they can find it, and that it is written clearly so that they can understand it.
It is similar to reading a newspaper. You expect the news headlines to be on the front page; the sports coverage to be at the back; the TV listings on page whatever and the editorial comment in the middle. If what you want is not in its usual place then you have to hunt for it and you may get irritated. So it is with a report.
There is a convention as to what goes where. Stick with the convention and please your readers. Break the convention and people may get slightly irritated - and bin your report.
So what is that convention, the standard format?
Standard Sections
Title Section. In a short report this may simply be the front cover. In a long one it could also include Terms of Reference, Table of Contents and so on.Summary. Give a clear and very concise account of the main points, main conclusions and main recommendations. Keep it very short, a few percent of the total length. Some people, especially senior managers, may not read anything else so write as if it were a stand-alone document. It isn't but for some people it might as well be. Keep it brief and free from jargon so that anyone can understand it and get the main points. Write it last, but do not copy and paste from the report itself; that rarely works well.
Introduction. This is the first part of the report proper. Use it to paint the background to 'the problem' and to show the reader why the report is important to them. Give your terms of reference (if not in the Title Section) and explain how the details that follow are arranged. Write it in plain English.
Main Body. This is the heart of your report, the facts. It will probably have several sections or sub-sections each with its own subtitle. It is unique to your report and will describe what you discovered about 'the problem'.
These sections are most likely to be read by experts so you can use some appropriate jargon but explain it as you introduce it. Arrange the information logically, normally putting things in order of priority -- most important first. In fact, follow that advice in every section of your report.
You may choose to include a Discussion in which you explain the significance of your findings.
Conclusions. Present the logical conclusions of your investigation of 'the problem'. Bring it all together and maybe offer options for the way forward. Many people will read this section. Write it in plain English. If you have included a discussion then this section may be quite short.
Recommendations. What do you suggest should be done? Don't be shy; you did the work so state your recommendations in order of priority, and in plain English.
Appendices. Put the heavy details here, the information that only specialists are likely to want to see. As a guide, if some detail is essential to your argument then include it in the main body, if it merely supports the argument then it could go in an appendix.
Conclusions and Recommendations
In conclusion, remember that readers expect certain information to be in certain places. They do not expect to hunt for what they want and the harder you make it for them the more likely they are to toss you report to one side and ignore it. So what should you do?
1. Follow the generally accepted format for a report: Summary, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusions, Recommendations and Appendices.
2. Organise your information in each section in a logical fashion with the reader in mind, usually putting things in order of priority - most important first.
Good luck with your report writing!
Author: Tony Atherton
© Tony Atherton 2005)
About the author: Tony Atherton is a freelance trainer and writer based in England. He has had four books published and about 90 of his articles have appeared in various magazines and journals. After an earlier career in industry he now runs in-company training courses in business writing, report writing (including technical reports) and taking minutes, as well as negotiation skills and time management. Over 6000 delegates have attended his courses. See for details of report writing courses, or see for general information.
FedEx Job Opportunities - Finding FedEx Jobs Online
For those interested in careers in the transportation and information industry FedEx job opportunities should be considered. FedEx is a Fortune 500 company and continues to grow in its industry, globally recognized as a leader in delivering packages on time and without damage. Currently the corporation employs over 200,000 workers globally. FedEx Express owned by FedEx Corporation offers shipping and freight to over 200 countries in the world while FedEx Ground delivers small packages to the US, Puerto Rico and Canada. FedEx also owns several more companies. Fortunately, for job applicants this also means more FedEx job openings.
The quickest way to find FedEx job opportunities is online with job boards and various other sites that are affiliated with FedEx. These sites allow FedEx jobs to be searched by category and region with both part time and full time positions being offered. Positions are available for those looking for a physically demanding job or those looking to work in a more traditional office setting. At FedEx, Ground Administrative Clerks are often hired in the facilities to perform clerical work and record keeping. Positions for dock workers are labor-intensive requiring workers lift over a 100 pounds. On the other hand, a Quality Assurance Clerk would require both physical labor and administrative skills. A Quality Assurance Clerk would be responsible for ensuring packages are delivered to the right address, dealing with customer service complaints and be required to lift packages of various sizes.
Those with a bachelor's degree will also find that FedEx job opportunities are not just for those who have little or no training or on the job experience. A Developer Analyst at FedEx is one position where a degree is needed. The Developer Analyst would be responsible for creating business reports, analyzing systems, and dealing with coding. This position would require advanced knowledge of programming and some engineering experience. Of course, one of the most recognized FedEx job openings is that of the delivery drivers. Temporary positions can also be found during the holidays for those interested in getting their foot in the door while still attending college.
FedEx job opportunities also include the need for skilled pilots. FedEx pilots are required to have a college degree, commercial pilot certification and the ability to obtain clearance from the United States Postal Service to handle mail. Other positions in aviation are also available such as an aviation mechanic. For those interested in working for FedEx without having a boss consider their independent contractor job opportunities. These FedEx job openings allow those with entrepreneurship skills to build their own business with the FedEx brand name recognition behind them.
FedEx job openings offer many benefits to its workers that should be considered. These include flexible spending accounts, life insurance, disability insurance, pension plans, stock purchase options, paid vacations and holidays. Workers can also benefit from ongoing education opportunities with in-house certification, seminars, and management training being offered. FedEx job opportunities may also allow qualified employees to get their college degree or take additional courses related to their job with educational reimbursement by FedEx.
And, as always with any job application, make sure you follow up. Give them a call within a few days of submitting your application and let them know you're serious about getting hired. The old adage about the squeaky wheel getting the grease holds pretty true when it comes to job hunting too!
Apply for a FedEx job right now, from the comfort of your home. FedEx Job Application
I wish you the very best and I hope you find the job you're looking for.
To explore FedEx job opportunities immediately, without having to spend hours searching or driving from place to place, get your FedEx job application online here: FedEx Job Opportunities
7 Most Important Things Men Find Attractive in Women
Brains -- Men are attracted to women who are smart. When you can hold an intelligent conversation with any man on a lot of subject matters a lot of men will find your conversations engaging. And certainly, when you consider that fact that most of us want to settle down with women who can contribute financially to the relationship, then the smarter women who make more money will be the women we want in our lives. And I am not saying that if you don't have a job they no man will want you -- that is not what I am saying. You have to simply demonstrate that you are always working on taking care of your financial obligations when they arise.
Affectionate -- This trait encompasses both how you touch us and the endearing words you use when you talk to us. So if you are not in the habit of touching your man or telling him how special he is, then it is possible that you may not be getting all the love your man can give you. The key to getting what you want from men is to first give of yourself (not sex) before expecting men to give their love to you.
Health conscious -- You do not have to be Ms. Universe in order for men to find you attractive. But you do have to care about your physical appearance. You can't let yourself go and expect us to fall all over you. All you have to do is show that you care about your body by taking care of it, and showing the man you want that you take care of yourself. And you can show that by simply doing your basic beauty regimen -- hair, makeup, nails, exercise, etc. That's all you have to do.
Good lover -- Yes, I saved the best for last. If you are good in bed, which means you really know how to please your man, then you can practically get him to jump over hot coals to get you whatever you want. Sure, you just can't expect him to do everything you want just because you are good in bed. If all the other traits are in place and you also add this as the icing on the cake, then you have all the ingredients you need to get any man to eat off the palm of your hands.
Great Sense of humor -- Sure we want women who are not too serious about life. If you don't know how to laugh at our jokes and the little silly things that happen in life, you will not be able to keep any man for too long.
Down-to-earth personality -- Men are drawn to women who do not put on airs -- women who are not afraid to be themselves. If you are a pretender men will most likely sniff out the real you eventually.
Confident -- Just as women love men who are confident, men equally are attracted to confident, self-assured women. Sure from time to time it might be cute for a woman to be shy, but not so shy that she cannot stand up to let people know what she thinks.
The kind of woman we find most attractive is the woman who is well rounded. If you are Ms. Universe and you have no brains, a good sense of humor, no sense of humor, etc, you will not be able to hold onto any man that comes you way. So, now you see that outer beauty is good to have, but your inner beauty is what will keep your man from leaving you.
To discover how to quickly make your man fall madly in love with you, visit
Advice From Steve Jobs - Stay Hungry - Stay Foolish
Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer, ended his commencement speech to the graduates of Stanford University in 2005 with the following words, "Stay hungry. Stay Foolish." It would be fair to say that most of the hundred of thousands who have heard or read the speech probably have forgot everything about that allocution except these memorable words, "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
These four words represent an entire philosophy for a successful life. They mean that, if we want a successful, rewarding and interesting life, we should be in the parade and not watching the parade go by.
The only constant in life is change. Nothing stands still. Life is dynamic and not static. Yet there are those of us who, through an exercise in futility, will seek to find security in an inexistent status quo.
The, don't make waves, don't try anything and keep a low profile attitude is a recipe for boredom in the best case scenario and for disaster in the worst cases. Trying to stand still in life is an impossibility and can only result in frustration, regression and ultimate failure.
It is a proven fact that a ship that remains in port will rust and wear out faster than one who travels the high sea. The expression of life is action and action is the generator of life. That's a lesson that was not lost by the happiest and most successful among us.
If we read the biographies of great men and women, we soon find out that they were creature of action. They were involved, they were engaged, they had causes, objectives, projects and goals. They were determined. They found meaningfulness, satisfaction and validation in their work and accomplishments.
Successful living, in its true sense of the word, means implication and dedication to a cause, an ideal or an objective. In order to accomplish that, uncharted roads must be traveled, dragons have to be slain and calculated chances must be taken.
As someone so wisely said, "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming... Dang, What a ride."
Now, that could be exaggerating a little but it does express the essence of the concept. Successful living is not about watching the parade go by. It's not even about joining the parade. Successful living is about leading the parade.
That's what Steve Jobs was taking about in front of those newly graduates. He wanted to give these young minds the best possible advice that he could so that they would, not only commence their adult life on the right foot, but stay on the right path for the rest of their life.
To do that, he left those students with four unforgettable words, "Stay hungry. Stay foolish." Nothing else was needed. The message was concise, clear and unforgettable. A giant had spoken. Who could forget, Stay hungry. Stay foolish?
Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums.
Felony Friendly Jobs - Jobs That Don't Care About Your Record!
One disadvantage of having been in prison is that by the time you get out, you will find yourself having a great deal of difficulty finding a job. Most employers are leery of hiring anyone with a criminal record, and even if you have turned over a new leaf after paying your debt to society, it doesn't change that bias towards people refusing to hire you once they find out about your past.
However, this isn't the time to despair. It doesn't mean the end of the world if you are unable to get employment immediately. There are still a lot of felony friendly jobs available if you only know where to look. Even if the unemployment rate continues to rise due to the present economic situation, there are legitimate and legal places where you can get hired immediately without having to be interviewed for the position.
If you have an email address and access to an Internet connection, you can have a job within minutes. These felony friendly jobs are known as "get paid to" jobs which will involve participating in various online marketing research surveys that pay people to give their opinions on various products or services, political or social atmospheres, TV programs or movies, and any number of other topics.
You get paid for every survey you participate in by as much as $10 for every 10 to 15 minute survey or questionnaire you complete. It's as easy as clicking boxes or filling in some questions fields, and you will be paid via check.
Making an honest living after life on the inside doesn't have to be so difficult, simply participate in "get paid to" programs online to earn money and start your life anew.
To learn more about a popular GPT site, Click Here
Mining Dump Truck Driving Jobs
Australia mining dump trucks are impressively large machinery. For example, the CAT 797 dumper model has a capacity of 345 tonnes and is roughly 7 metres high. Although the dump trucks are massive pieces of machinery, they are relatively simple to operate. Therefore people from all different backgrounds are able to gain a position as a dump truck driver. In this capacity there are no age or gender restrictions. In fact, it is possible to gain employment in a driving position if you have had no previous experience working in a driving career.
In Australia mining dump truck jobs, you are not required to perform hard physical labour as with a number of other positions in the industry. This is another reason why these positions are popular to gain. More and more frequently, women are being hired by mining companies to fill dump truck driving positions. Mining companies realise the benefits of hiring women as they tend to have good safety records and minimise repairs costs. Women are certainly encouraged to apply for a dump truck position. The mining industry in Australia suffered only a minor downturn during the recent economic events, and it is now again growing at a frenetic pace.
While working as a mining dumper driver, you can expect to work 12 hour shifts usually working both day and night shifts. In most cases, you will required to work on a rostered basis. The roster that you work on does depend on the company that you gain employment with. Some rosters include 3 weeks on and 1 week off or 9 days on and 5 days off.
Although this is one of the most popular positions to gain in the industry, you are required to meet certain requirements. There is no age limit to gaining Australia mining driving jobs, in fact, workers close to retirement age are eligible for employment as long as they can meet the requirements of the mining companies. In order to gain employment in this capacity, mining companies may require that you meet their prerequisites.
Due to the popularity of this position, you may find it difficult to obtain this position without obtaining expert advice. A large number of people who apply for these types of positions, often find their application for a dump truck driving role is continuously rejected. To gain employment as a driver, you will need to ensure that you meet of all the requirements set out by the mining companies. Most of the employment criteria remains essentially the same fromt state to state, although there can be regional criteria to be aware of (for instance the entry level criteria in Western Australia differs from the Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland).
There is certainly assistance available for those who are interested gaining Australia mining dump truck driving jobs - and lets face it, who wouldn't be interested! If you are serious about wanting to working in the mining industry as a driver, there is a lot that you need to know before applying for jobs.
For further information on how to gain Australia mining dump truck driving jobs, please visit our website at:
Offshore Oil Rig Jobs
In order to gain Australia offshore oil rig jobs most workers are required to hold certain certifications such as a first aid certificate. If you are able to meet these requirements, then you can begin to look for a suitable position. For unskilled workers, most look to gain a position as a roustabout. A roustabout is the industry term for a general labourer. For skilled workers, there are numerous positions in a number of different departments that an oil rig requires. Some skilled positions that skilled workers may be interested in applying include such positions as drillers, electricians, mechanics, cooks and engineering positions.
Once someone has secured Australia offshore oil rig jobs, most workers are flown to and from the oil rig by a helicopter. Most workers are employed on a roster that will vary depending on what company you gain employment with. Most companies realise workers families commitment and ensure that the rosters reflect this. Some rosters include 2 weeks on and 1 week off or 14 days on and 14 days off. Whilst working on the rig, you will be required to both work and live in close confines to other workers. You must be able to get along well with other workers.
Due to the dangerous nature of working on an Australia oil rig, safety is of utmost importance and all employees must have a good attitude to safety. On arrival to the rig, you will be given a safety induction to ensure that you know what to do in an emergency. The rig also employs fire-fighters and medical staff in case of an emergency and all workers on the rig are trained in this area also.
While you are working on the rig, your living requirements such as food, accommodation and laundry will be catered for. The food that is provided to workers is usually of high quality and is available at number of different times during the day and night. The rigs also provides other facilities for workers such as satellite telephones to keep in contact with family and they may also provide facilities such as pool tables for entertainment when not required for work on the rig.
During your time in Australia offshore oil rig jobs, most workers are required to work 12 hour shifts. Most workers are required to work both day and night shifts so you need to be able to work night shifts. Once some workers have completed their shifts, they may be classed as on-call and must to go to the rig floor if there services are required. Once a worker has completed their roster, they are then flown from the rig in a helicopter.
Holding Australia offshore oil rig jobs is not for the faint-hearted. You are required to work long hours in often difficult conditions. However you are rewarded with a good income and great comradeship amongst fellow rig workers.
If you feel that this is the industry for you, it is important to obtain the correct advice to ensure that you meet all the requirements for gaining employment on an Australian offshore oil rig. It is also important to obtain good and honest career advice about working in the oil industry that is specific to you.
For further information on how to gain Australia offshore oil rig jobs please visit our website at
Best Cover Letters For Getting Job Interviews
There's no doubt about it. People who write the best cover letters get the best job interviews. Research shows that the most effective, cover letters have a number of common characteristics. They follow a 3-part format that consistently garners positive results and earns the job applicants who wrote them highly sought after job interviews.
Even if you're not a great writer, you can write great cover letters by following the format listed below. Use this format to write the best cover letters for getting job interviews. If you write your cover letter and still aren't comfortable with the result, have no fear. The link at the end of the article offers cover letter writing services and software that may assist you.
But first things first...
1. Grab Attention in Your First Paragraph is the first tip to writing best cover letters for getting job interviews.
Hiring managers review hundreds of cover letters and resumes for every job they fill. To get attention, your cover letter must stand out. Here are examples of effective and interesting first paragraphs. Choose the one that works best for your situation and modify it to suit your needs.
State how your skills and experience match the job description and would be a benefit to the organization.
- Example: After graduating from Northeastern University with a B.S. in Computer Graphic Technology, I spent the summer interning in New York City at Sunrise Communications. During that time, I brainstormed ideas and story concepts with Sunrise's Creative Team. I drew detailed storyboards that formed the basis for local and international TV advertisements. At Sunrise, I learned to share ideas, accept criticism and problem-solve in a high-pressured environment.
- Example: In response to this opportunity, I would like to call attention to my experience in producing and directing numerous PR events throughout Orange County as well as my large network of both celebrity and national media contacts.
- Example: Since graduating from Simmons College Prince Program of Retail Management, I've been involved in all aspects of retail, from front-of-the-store management and training to inventory planning, buying, and merchandising. I have worked in both specialty and mass markets and have broad-based experience dealing with customers, fellow employees, management, and vendors. I thrive in a fast-paced environment and feel energized by the thought of helping manage the L.L. Bean Women's Department.
If you've talked with the hiring manager, use the first paragraph to remind her of the conversation.
- Example: Thank you for calling me about the Character Animator position posted on Pixar's website. I enjoyed talking with you and learning more about this position.
If appropriate, don't be afraid to name drop.
- Example: Henry Smith, who supervised my work as a summer intern with your firm, recommended that I apply for the position of Associate Attorney.
Mention something you know about the organization.
- Example: I read the June 10th issue of The Kentucky Sun with great interest. The article, "How One Restaurant Makes a Difference" applauded Pannucci's contribution to the Good Shepherd Food Bank. I believe my experience as a pastry chef as well as my work on the Eastside Food Pantry's Board of Directors makes me a perfect candidate for the position of Pannucci Head Pastry Chef.
- Example: Cuddledown's branded voice is recognizable and respected; its high-quality products are well positioned in the market. I would welcome the chance to develop and execute marketing strategies to increase sales and distribution of the company's products.
Get their attention by asking a question.
- Example: Are you looking for a self-motivated individual who has organized large-scale events and significantly improved customer retention?
2. Keep Their Attention in the Middle is the second tip to write best cover letters for getting job interviews.
As you write, keep the company's point of view in mind. Try to anticipate what the hiring manager is looking for and include that information. If you have an employment gap or some other item on your resume that you think the hiring manager will question, succinctly and without apology, answer the issue in the middle section of your cover letter.
In the middle section of your cover letter, tell how your education and experience match the job description. Use specific examples to show how your skills meet the job requirements. .
- Example: To manage this department, I would call on my experience at Jordan Marsh as the Liz Claiborne Department Manager. There, I merchandised product and motivated my sales team to generate the highest company-wide sales volume for dress collections. I am a natural sales person and definitely "have a knack" for merchandising and visual presentation.
- Example: Throughout my years as a caseworker, I have helped many clients identify and apply for jobs that match their skill sets. I believe my dedication to the people I serve and my ability to identify and match their strengths to the job market makes me the perfect candidate for Employment Specialist position at Crossroads Community Services.
If appropriate, mention specific goals you have accomplished.
- Example: While at Nordstrom's, I motivated my team to exceed department sales goals of $1.2 million annually. The team generated the highest company-wide sales volume for the dress collection.
- Example: While providing administrative support to the Director of Marketing and Sales, I reduced company travel expenditures by $37,000 in my first three months by renegotiating contracts with the department's suppliers.
3. End your Cover Letter with an Action Follow Up and a Respectful Close is the third tip for writing best cover letters for getting job interviews.
Your closing paragraph or sentence should encourage action.
- ·Example: As requested, I have enclosed my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing my qualifications and learning more about the position. Please contact me at 555.555.5555 or by email at with any additional questions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
End your letter with a respectful and professional close. "Sincerely yours" or "Respectfully yours" works well.
That's it. Use this 3-part format to write best cover letters for getting job interviews. If you do, you'll end up with a cover letter that will stand up to the competition and get you the job interviews you deserve.
Best of luck in your job search.
Want to learn more about writing amazing cover letters that will get you the job interviews you crave? Check out for more articles and resources.
Rig Employment - 5 Reasons You Can't Get Oil Drilling Jobs
Did you hear that there are plenty of jobs in the oil fields, but can't seem to get rig employment yourself? Maybe you are making one of these 5 mistakes:
1. Rig employment in some locations is seasonal. For example, oil drilling jobs in northern Canada only exist in the winter months of November to March when the ground is frozen. They pay their workers hourly.There are no jobs the rest of the year. Ditto offshore oil jobs in certain parts of the North Sea, which is also seasonal.
2. Are you a foreigner? In many places with an extended oil boom, there is a serious shortage of housing. Even if you can find a place to stay, the rent is very expensive. For example, renting a one bedroom apartment in Calgary (Canada) can cost you $1500 and up per month. Not every oil company or drilling contractor offers staff accommodation, especially for families. If you don't have a place to stay, don't expect to get a job. It can be a good idea to find a place to stay before you start looking for a job.
3. Are you directly chasing the oil companies like Shell? You may have better luck with the drilling contractors. Nowadays, most oil companies do not operate their oil rigs themselves. Instead, they outsource these oil drilling jobs to smaller offshore drilling companies and oil service contractors. In the US, job seekers who drive around the oil rigs talking to the foremen (toolpushers/drillers) have found great success getting jobs.
4. Do you have the right background? Oil drilling jobs are very physically demanding. If you do not have any direct experience in the oil field, then the oil drilling companies prefer people who are proven to be tough and self-sufficient. More than a few ex-soldiers have successfully found rig employment once they left the army. Are you trying to get offshore oil jobs when you do not have any experience? Try to get oil rig jobs on land before you try to go offshore.
5. Do you have the right expectations? You may have to work night shifts. Many rigs have a two weeks on, two weeks off rotation. But some can be as extreme as 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off. You will have to work under extreme weather conditions. If you can't convince your interviewers that you can handle these difficulties, you will not get your job.
The price of oil remains high, and new oil drilling jobs appear every day. Be persistent, work smart and you will get your rig employment.
Are you looking for oil drilling jobs? Visit to learn how can help you to quickly and easily find rig employment.
Jobs For Felons - Instant Work For All Convicted Felons
If you are a convicted felon looking for a job then what you are about to read is going to make your day, week, month or even your year. Trying to find half decent paying jobs for felons can sometimes be next to impossible. Well read on to find out how you can be employed and earning in as little as ten minutes from now, no joke. This new job will, hire you instantly regardless of where you live and your past convictions, they will pay you a minimum of twenty dollars per hour (actually closer to $120 per hour), and will allow you to work from home without having to travel to and from a job. This honestly could not be easier.
What I am talking about is doing online form completion surveys. This is where a large market research company pays you a minimum of $20 per hour (closer to $120) to complete simple online surveys on all sorts of different topics. You do not need any experience at all and you can even take your first survey and start getting well paid in as little as ten minutes from now. Who said there are no good jobs for felons! All you need is a computer and an internet connection to start making real money today, surly that sounds better than taking some dead end job just for the sake of getting employment.
Making the choice on which companies to do these surveys for is the crucial part as payment for a thirty minute survey from company to company can range anywhere from $1 to $60 and I am shore I know which one you would rather be doing. After 7 years of doing these surveys as a full time job I have tried them all and there are only 4 that pay the big money and on time.
At my website jobs for felons you will find a free list of the top four companies that I use to earn in excess of $1,000 every week and you can easily do the same. Just visit jobs for felons and get everything you need to start earning today.
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