Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Top 10 Jobs for Ex-Felons

Getting a job with a felony on your record can be very difficult as you probably know already. Jobs to criminals are becoming too heavy, and most rental companies to maintain a criminal. Those who usually do not pay very well. I have serious criminals created a list of 10 places. useful tip: if the crime is more than 7 years, most states dont allow background checks so far back in time. If your state has this right, you can answer "no" to a question.

Top 10List

Job # 10 - UPS delivery driver

UPS is known to hire criminals. She has a stable job and to have moderate wages.

Job # 9 - army

The military accepts people with criminal records, depending on the crime. Contact you to see a recruiter to join if you qualify.

# 8 job - Truck Driver

Most carriers are willing to take on the criminals. You probably need to get a license to drive the truck.

Job # 7- Start your own business

You can start your own business. One idea is to go to school by a blacksmith, and start their own business. Consider also licensed as a barber.

Job # 6 - Telephone service

Many companies are willing to hire criminals for telephone customer service, because there are people in person.

# 5 of employment - employment agency

Working time can sometimes work well for you. Often it will be day laborers,be in good physical condition.

Job # 4 - Family Business

See if a family or friends able to work in the company. They hire you if you are willing to work hard. It will probably be happy to help you get back on their feet.

Job # 3 - Independent Contractor

Many people are still their services as long as you do the job. If you work hard, no matter that you have a felony on your record.

Job # 2 - PrivateOwned small businesses

Some companies have rules against accepting criminal chain. Small business owners are more willing to accept. I'm more of a "risk" of hiring employees to take, and can be more personally with the principal.

--- # 1 job recommended> - GPT Online Services

This is the best job for a criminal, it does not require screening if these background checks, drug tests, etc.. All are welcome, and you work at your own timeand can get more or less as desired. Online "GPT" or "Get-Paid-To" services are a great way to save a few hundred dollars a month without so much time. There are many GPT services available, some better than others. My experience with the services of GPT was one of a great, and I recommend this as the best job on my list of the top 10 jobs for criminals.



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