Friday, March 30, 2012

Jobs on Oil Rigs For Women - The Truth About the Rig Industry

Traditionally a male dominated industry, jobs on oil rigs are becoming increasingly popular with women looking to further their chosen career or just keen to get a job offshore that offers amazing pay and some pretty impressive holiday benefits.

There is no doubt that rigs are difficult places to work whatever your sex. Extreme conditions and dangerous, difficult, physically demanding jobs make life on the rigs a challenge. Despite their increasing popularity, women are still a minority in where jobs on oil rigs are concerned. A rig of 200 might expect to see 3-5 women crew members.

What jobs are suitable?

Well, the simple answer is that depends on your physique. If you're used to lifting 100kg blocks all day, fine with heights, willing to put your fingers (and your life) at risk everyday then every job is suitable. However, if that's not you, firecrews and first aiders are an excellent jobs on oil rigs for women.

What can I expect as a woman on the rigs?

1. Rightly, there will be no exceptions made for the fact that you're female. That means you'll work as hard as the men, some women say that they work harder to try and prove themselves and this isn't uncommon.

2. Expect some sexism. This is a generalisation but it's bound to be present with such a massive percentage of men to women. You'll need to be tough and stand your ground and prove yourself.

3. Expect some attention. Rig workers are on the rigs for long periods at a time with no other female company. You'll be likely to get a lot of attention so you'll need to be able to carry yourself and take the stick you'll get on the chin. Thick skin is a great attribute.

Go prepared, get as much information as possible, and keep smiling and your time on the rigs could become an amazing career. Make sure you speak to the experts for assistance on getting the job you deserve fast.

I'm Charlie Harrington and I specialise in finding people their next (or their first) oil rig jobs Find out what jobs on oil rigs are suitable for you and start earning the salary you deserve today.


Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Reject a Job Offer Politely

Is it really that hard to reject a job offer? Well, for some, it could be easy, but for others, it could be very difficult. The ultimate ingredient for rejecting a job offer politely can be summed up in this article.

Here are some of the most effective ways to reject a job offer:

1. Be honest with your reasons - Always be honest during declination or rejection of a job offer. Employers can really sense how truthful you are. Never lie in any company. This will just bring you in so much trouble. Be honest with your reasons or else you may be blacklisted by certain companies. Rejecting a job offer is not bad. If it is really beyond your capabilities and abilities, then you should be honest with it. Always decline an offer politely and gracefully so that it will be easier for you to go back in that same company anytime. This can eventually tighten your profile in the future.

2. Be thankful and be appreciative for the offer - Always be thankful that the company has chosen to give you a job offer out of the many candidates that are dying to be in that position. Always remember how to be grateful in anything. You should consider it as one of your great blessings. Although you are not capable of accepting the job, it is still important that you show great respect to the company's offer. Be appreciative and be apologetic. Some people can be very rude. They tempt to avoid phone calls and emails from certain employers.

3. Be firm with your decision - Be firm with your decisions all the time. If you choose to reject and decline a job offer, then you should show your employer that you are really true about rejecting it. Be firm with your reasons and never ever assume nor pretend. Never give false reassurance such as stating false hopes that maybe; you will be joining the company in the near future. Always be firm. You do not have any right to fool any company that offers you big time.

Declining a job offer can be one of the toughest decisions you will ever make in your entire life. You really need a lot of courage and confidence to face a company that offers you something good. Well, you definitely know who you are. If you are not really that interested, then you can reject it in a nice and polite way.

Elizabeth is a passionate writer. She has been writing online articles for three years now. You can check out her latest article luggage suitcase and Dakine luggage on her website.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Welding Jobs That Pay the Most

Underwater welders and those who are qualified to weld , inspect welds, or teach welding overseas in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan generally  make more money than any other welding job. But aside from underwater welding and overseas welding jobs, a skilled welder with his own rig and who can pass any welding test has a better chance of the highest pay. There have even been reports of pipe welders with their own rig making $100 per hour at times.

But not everyone is ready to run their own rig. Some welders just prefer to make a good hourly wage using someone else's materials and equipment without the responsibility and headaches that come with running your own welding business.

For those welders who fall into this category, here is list of the best paying welding jobs:

  • UAW Union Journeyman Tool and Die welders can make up to 30 dollars an hour.

  • Certified union pipe welders with the UA (United Association of pipefitters and plumbers) this includes pipeliner welders (even though they are definitely a different breed) are among the highest paid welders.

  • Certified union  boilermaker welders make a good hourly wage.

  • So do Certified union shipyard welders.

  • Aerospace/Aviation welders who work for an Airline command a good wage ($25-30 per hour plus benefits)

How much  welding jobs pay all depends on demand, location, and how strong the union contracts are. Right to work states tend to pay less.

Some other high paying welding jobs are:

Building and metal trades such as in the Ironworkers, Millwrights, and sheet metal workers. (and even the Carpenters and Electricians have some welders.)

You may have noticed the word "union" sprinkled in an awful lot. There is a good reason for that...It is because some things never change. Union jobs pay better. Plain and simple. If you want to get the highest paying welding jobs, do what you need to to get in the union.  Sure, you may have to travel, work in remote areas, work in rough conditions, and sometimes even around some rough people.

Having said that, its still worth it.

For more articles on subjects like the Shortage of Welders and for lots of Down and Dirty TIG, MIG, STICK welding tips along with a pantload of other welding information, visit


Friday, March 23, 2012

List of Good Paying Jobs That Don't Require a College Education

There are plenty of good paying jobs that doesn't require a college education. It's funny because when I was in high school I thought that you need a college education to "succeed in real life". You know what the high school teachers say to kids? "Do well in school or else you'll be flipping burgers for rest of your life".

But you know what? That is just a scare tactic and high school teachers like to use. And believe it or not, college is just a cash cow and it helps the economy.

And guess what? Good paying jobs that doesn't require a college degree are plentiful -- and it does not have to involve skilled labor. You think I'm going to tell you to get a skilled labor job right? Nope.

One way to get a good paying job is to work at the casino. Why? Because a casino is a very stable company -- it is not going anywhere soon. You have to work your way up, from a dealer working at the game tables to a supervisor to a "pit boss" (which is like a manager)

Another good job is to work for yourself. You can easily do this by making money on the Internet with affiliate marketing, or you can sell stuff on eBay.

There are now 1.3 million people in the United States right now that are making a full-time living on eBay. Most of them are just "average Joes and Janes". So it's not that hard because any average Joe can start making money on eBay with very little startup money. And believe me, Ebay is a very good "job" that you can create for yourself.

To be honest with you, making money on the Internet during your spare time is easy if you know what to do. Come to my website and grab my free report, "Newbie $2500/month Income System". I'm not trying to sell you anything but rather hope you learn how to make money on the Internet so you'll never be broke again.

Grab the "Newbie $2500/month Income System" report here:

I've been making money on the Internet since 2006, and I'm a nobody. Maybe you're a nobody. Nobodys can still make money on the Internet. Maybe you just want to make $50-100 a day on the Internet. That's doable, it's not that hard if you know what to do. Click on my website to get started:


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jobs For 14 Year Olds - Highest Paying 14 Year Old Jobs

When teenagers turn 14 they are on the look-out for jobs hiring at 14. You can't blame them because having their own money gives them a sense of independence. They do not have to rely too much on their parents for money. They can just earn it for themselves.

Of course, they are only being practical and would like to get jobs hiring at 14 that are the highest earning. When they are 14, they can work in grocery stores, restaurants, baseball parks, gasoline service stations, amusement parks, movie theaters, and retail stores. It really depends on their interests and how many hours they can devote to their jobs. It also depends on the days they are available. More often than not, jobs hiring at 14 are after school.

As tempting as these may sound, 14 year olds are not allowed to work in construction or repair jobs, manufacturing and mining occupations, hoisting apparatus aside from office machines, public messenger jobs, workrooms, warehousing, storage, processing, power-driven machinery, and driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver. For a teenager, these jobs hiring at 14 are the highest paying but these jobs are also against the Labor Law for minors.

Minors working are encouraged because it gives them a sense of independence when it comes to financial concerns. At the same time, it allows them to be responsible in juggling their time in order to get the things done - from their work and their home responsibilities and other things they have to do. Working at 14 is a good start for anyone to become a rounded and responsible individual.

GPT Infinity is the #1 rated job for teens. Start survey filling today and make a big nice wad of cash!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Job Interviews - How to Answer When Asked Your Strengths and Weaknesses - Part 2

7) Why are you interested in this position?

When you are an accountant and you are applying at an accounting firm, it is pretty obvious why you are interested; you are interested in using your acquired education, skills, and knowledge in your career field.

However, maybe the position is a cashier for a store and you just want a job; you do not have a brilliant answer to offer. Not to worry. Do not discount very basic answers such as "I need to earn money to support myself and/or my family," or "I want more out of life, and I need to work if I am going to have a better lifestyle for my family." Employers like employees who need to work; such employees are more apt to be dependable, responsible and productive.

8) Why do you want to work for us?

Here you should be specific in your answer. There may be thousands of accounting firms with positions to offer, but it is now a question of "why us"?

Research the firm as best you can. Phone book ads often contain great information, such as how long a firm has been in business, what it specializes in, who are the key members of the firm, and whom they hope to serve.

Depending upon what you learn at the library, and from other local sources, possible answers might be:

"You have an expanding firm, and I believe there will be opportunities for me to prove myself and grow with you," or

"Your firm is one of the oldest and most respected in our community, and I want to learn from, and be associated with one of the best," or

"I believe you will reward people according to their value to the firm, and I am willing to prove my value to you," or finally

"Your specialty happens to be my area of career interest."

9) Why should we hire you?

Here you must be straightforward and confident about your ability and what you have to offer. Say, "I believe I am qualified and can do the job."

Amplify this answer by stressing your strong points, such as your appropriate education, specialized training, proven experience, skills and abilities.

Do not say you can do any job. You do not know that for a fact, and, more important, the person interviewing you-no matter how good you look on paper or act in person-does not really know if you can do it either until you start having to perform on the job.

This is why you should qualify your answers with "I believe . . . ," or "Based on my performance in similar positions in the past, I have no reason to think I will not be able to do the job for you."

10) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Good strengths include some very basic character traits, such as determination, honesty, responsibility, dependability, inquisitiveness, willingness to learn, openness to new ideas, stability, and humor. Pick traits that you are confident and comfortable with.

In approaching the question of your weaknesses, rule one is to have some. The worst answer you could give is "I do not have any weaknesses." We all have weaknesses, and if we are unwilling to talk about them, it is a big red flag that there are some definite personality problems.

Never let your lack of confidence, or overdeveloped ego, prevent you from showing your weaknesses. Handle the challenge by taking your weaknesses (whatever they may be) and turning them into strengths. If you are a workaholic, say "Sometimes I do not know when to stop working on a project. I can get so involved I may work 16 hours straight. This may upset other employees who quit at the normal time."

11) What are your career goals?

Your objectives or goals are very important. You do not want to be a wandering generality; you want to be a meaningful specific.

People want to know if you have thought about your future, and have a plan to get where you want to go. You should have both short and long range goals. A good short range goal might be to secure a position in your career field, develop more experience in an area of interest, or position yourself with a firm or organization that is growing.

Long range goals require you to picture yourself, and where you would like to be, 10 or 20 years from now.

12) Why did you leave your last position?

This question can be asked because they are testing your reaction, or if your resume gives the impression you have been "job-hopping".

If there was a problem with leaving your last position (you were fired, encountered a personality conflict, or got mad and quit), be careful not to speak ill of the position you held, the organization you held it with, or members of the organization. Put downs score no points and reflect poorly on you, regardless of the challenges you may have had.

Good reasons to leave jobs are: 1) an opportunity for advancement, 2) an opportunity to make more money, 3) an opportunity to secure more or better benefits, 4) to gain more job satisfaction, 5) a better career opportunity, 6) a more challenging position, or 7) an opportunity to work with better people.

While all of these are legitimate reasons, none of them is the best answer to the question. It is best to simply say, "I am looking for a better opportunity." The better opportunity could be any of the above seven answers without actually saying so.

Copyright 2006 Ed Bagley

Ed Bagley's Blog Publishes Original Articles with Analysis and Commentary on 5 Subjects: Sports, Movie Reviews, Lessons in Life, Jobs and Careers, and Internet Marketing. My intention is to inform, educate, delight and motivate you the reader.

Read my other articles in the Job Interviews series: "It Is Not What You Say, But How You Say It That Counts - Part 1", "How to Handle Job References - Part 3" and "What Are Employers Really Looking For?" - Part 4".

Find my Blog at:



Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jobs For Teens Under 18 - Jobs Hiring Teens

As a teenager, it's really hard to find a good job.. or any job for that matter. If you're not 16, most places wont even look at you! So how do you go about getting some extra spending money? Online survey services work very well. It doesn't require a credit card, it's entirely free, and they hire all ages including teens!

These services provide jobs for teens under 18 by paying you for every survey and promotion you complete. You can get paid up to 20$ per survey, and surveys generally take about 10 minutes to complete. This survey services minimum age for hiring is 13, which makes it a nice way for teens to earn cash.

What do I need to get started on this?

An email address, thats it. These service are completely free and don't require a bank account or a credit card. To receive your payment you can have a parent, or anyone with a bank account cash the check for you.

When do I get my payment?

Most companies deliver your payment at the 20th of every month, like clockwork.

Can you give me proof that this really works?

Yes! Click the link below for proof of checks and a review of a service.

Why are these company's paying me for this?

Basically, advertisers want to know what people like, and what people are looking for. By giving them valuable information about the kinds of things you like and the things you would buy, you help them save millions in advertisement. Click the below link to learn more about how these companies work.

GPT Infinity is the highest paying most reputable paid survey service on the internet. Start survey filling today and make a big nice wad of cash!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Top 5 Surprisingly Underutilized Job Search Engines

There are many different job sites and job boards online today, so many in fact that it can be difficult and even overwhelming to know where to begin as a job seeker. There are large job search engines like the popular sites Monster and CareerBuilder. And there are countless niche job boards for every industry and functional area (if you haven't seen Eric Shannon's Top 100 Niche Job Search Websites list, don't miss out any longer on this great resource).

But there are also some powerful job search sites out there that many job seekers either don't know about or simply aren't effectively leveraging in their job search efforts. Here are the top 5 surprisingly underutilized job search engines:

  1. Indeed is a metasearch engine that collects job listings from thousands of job boards, newspapers, associations, and company career pages. Job seekers do not apply for jobs through Indeed. Instead, they receive the listing where the job is posted. They then go to the corresponding site to apply. Duplicate job listings are filtered out, leaving behind one comprehensive list of opportunities. Overall, this saves job seekers time and energy they can reinvest in applying to more opportunities.

  2. SimplyHired is another metasearch engine that aggregates job listings from thousands of job boards, newspaper and classified listings, associations, social networks, content sites, and company career sites. It then distributes those jobs on and its social network, media content, blog and niche website partners.

  3. LinkUp is the new and unique job search engine that only lists jobs taken directly from company websites. These postings are considered "hidden jobs" because they are typically unadvertised outside of company websites and can be difficult to find if you don't know which ones to check.

  4. LinkedIn is the leading professional networking site helping professionals across industries connect for career and business success. LinkedIn offers its own exclusive job board for job seekers and a comprehensive company directory. It also allows its members to post jobs in the member-generated LinkedIn networking groups.

  5. Google is the leading search engine on the web and is a great place to do a quick job search query if you're having challenges finding your target jobs and employers. There are many niche job sites and company career pages that a quick Google search will uncover that might otherwise have been missed. You can also use Google Alerts to get an update any time a new search result is posted online that meets your query. This can be a great way to find new opportunities the moment they go live online.

Chris Perry, MBA, is a Gen Y brand and marketing generator, brand marketing manager, career search and personal branding expert, professional speaker, entrepreneur and brand consultant. Chris is the founder of Career Rocketeer, the Career Search and Personal Branding Network, MBA Highway, the MBA Job Search and Career Network and multiple other ventures. Learn more about Chris on his website:


Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Bid Janitorial and Commercial Cleaning Jobs

Everyone has an opinion.

Price Per Square Foot

Some say knowing how much to price a janitorial, office-cleaning bid at is as easy as multiplying the total cleanable square feet of a building by so many dollars or cents per square foot. Unfortunately, this formula is often tossed about without even mentioning if the figures are based on a month or a year; a piece of information those new to the cleaning business would not doubt find quite valuable to know.

For example, per square foot figures ranging from $0.08 - $0.14 per sq. ft. or $0.95 - $1.50 per sq. ft., are offered up with little or no explanation; assuming it's common knowledge that the former generally refers to a monthly calculation; while the latter is meant for a yearly price estimate.

Educated Guess

Others suggest you should rely on your own experience, simply guesstimate how long it should take to clean, and then charge so much per hour. But, that advice can be equally misleading. And the cleaning contractor with little or no experience is at a real disadvantage. The number and kind of cleaning jobs janitorial companies face can vary greatly in size, frequency and difficulty, as well as, in the actual nature of the cleaning (i.e. professional office, industrial/manufacturing, retail, restaurant etc).

In time, many cleaning business owners come to realize the differences from one project to the next can be so significant; the idea of pricing jobs based on their best guess of cleaning times is simply not a reliable or effective bidding method. In fact, even if they could somehow, eventually, develop a way of personally guesstimating the price for cleaning jobs, they may still be leaving their cleaning business vulnerable.

On one hand, what if they ever plan on having someone else do the bidding for their cleaning business? How long would it take to thoroughly teach a new person everything it took them so many years to learn? Too long is right! And in the worst case, what if, god forbid, something unforeseen ever happens to the business owner... leaving those left behind to run the cleaning business, but with no systematic way to estimate how long a cleaning job should take or how much they should charge.

Plain and simple, for most cleaning businesses who want to grow, bidding and estimating jobs should not rest solely on one person's shoulders. Instead, there needs to be a reliable and easy to use bidding system.

'Standardized' Production Rates

Finally, still others insist you should just use a "standard", generalized, overall, production rate to figure the hours needed to clean a building, and then again, simply charge so much per hour.

There are two primary kinds of production rates in the cleaning business.

One is production rates for individual cleaning tasks; which means how much sq. ft. one person can clean in one hour... performing only one task. There are also overall cleaning production rates which generally refer to how many sq. ft. of a building can be cleaned by one person in one hour performing an entire set of what some may refer to as "standard" cleaning duties.

This overall production rate approach would suggest you simply divide the total area to be cleaned by a given 'overall', 'standard' production rate figure - take the resulting hours, and multiply by your hourly rate.

The only problem, of course, is that every building is unique, and the kind, level and frequency of cleaning tasks each prospective customer wants can differ greatly in type, frequency and degree of difficulty. This makes it difficult to rely on a so-called 'standard' production rate designed to cover a whole set of so-called 'standard' type cleaning tasks... with an acceptable level of confidence the time estimates will be reliable and the resulting price decision will be a profitable.


So, if this one-size fits all approach falls short too - what does work? What is the best place to start?

Answer: Workloading.

That's right, workloading each job so you have a calculated cleaning time unique to the building you're bidding on is the place we recommend most cleaning companies should start when it comes to bidding.

And, what is workloading?

Well, it's the process of figuring out a time estimate for how long a building should take to clean by basically "loading" the "work".

What "work"?

Well, of course, all the cleaning tasks needing to be performed.

In simplest terms, workloading is the process of entering specific information about a building such as individual measurements (i.e. room dimensions), floor types (i.e. carpet, tile) and fixture counts (sinks, toilets), and then matching them up with an appropriate series of schedules consisting of specific cleaning tasks and associated production rates to generate an average per visit cleaning time.

It really all comes down to calculating an estimated cleaning time for the building you're bidding on. And when you have a calculated cleaning time, you can move forward confidently to pricing the job.

From there, cleaning business owners can multiply a monthly hours estimate times a properly 'loaded' hourly rate to determine a monthly price to charge.

When you start with calculating a cleaning time you're way ahead of the guy who is simply guessing a price using an over-simplified method.

Janitorial bidding software programs are extremely useful and available to help you "workload" the janitorial jobs you're bidding on.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Jobs For 17 Year Olds Available Today

There are a lot of opportunities when it comes to jobs for 17 year olds. Starting from the service industry of hotels and restaurants to the malls and small businesses dotting the city. Currently the best business establishments that offer jobs are Best Buy, Limited Too, The Disney Store, Build-a-Bear, Chick-fil-A, Wawa, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Acme, Foot Locker, Shoprite, Olive Garden, Sears, Auntie Anne's and Taco Bell.

Jobs for 17 year olds in restaurants and cafes are the best spots to earn more though. Even if you are earning minimum wage, your tips will be something to look forward to - if you provide great service.

You don't have to really look far if you love kids. Babysitting is one of the favorite and easy to do jobs around. You can also seek out organizations which are into what you're into. Like museums, if you are into the arts, you can try out becoming a tour guide. If you have an advocacy, you can try charitable institutions and offer your skills in maybe, data encoding or a gofer. The hospitals are also a venue where you can be a candy striper.

Don't forget to check your other local hang-outs like bowling alleys, pizza shops, various repair shops, libraries, the town hall, university and your favorite retailer. It really helps if you are able to focus and aim for what you want to do. The right jobs for 17 year olds will bring meaning into what you're doing and you'll have fun. Your eagerness to go to work will just continue. You might even be surprised it's payday already.

GPT Infinity is the #1 rated job for teens. Start survey filling today and make a big nice wad of cash!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With an MBA?

Wondering whether or not an MBA will truly advance your career in business? Read this article to discover what kind of jobs you can expect to get with an MBA degree.

What is an MBA?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is granted after one or two years of study at a graduate level institution. Students who are enrolled in an MBA program receive training in the theory and practice of business management. This degree can increase the number of jobs that you are qualified for, as well as your earning potential.

Jobs for Grads with an MBA Degree

Earning an MBA degree can make you much more valuable to employers. This degree certifies that you are prepared to handle almost any management role found in a modern corporation or organization. The type of job best suited for an MBA grad depends on the type of MBA degree that was achieved.

For example, an MBA grad that specialized in marketing will easily be able to obtain employment in the marketing field, while an MBA grad that specialized in finance will be best suited for a position in the finance industry. General MBAs, on the other hand, can secure employment in almost any business sector.

MBA grads most commonly work in the following fields:

· Accounting

· Consulting

· Finance

· General Management

· Human Resources

· Marketing

· Sales

Salary Potential for MBA Grads

MBA grads can command higher salaries than those who have not obtained a master's degree. Base salaries for MBA grads typically start out above $80,000, with total compensation amounting to more that $100,000 when benefits, bonuses, and profit sharing figures are taken into account.

Visit to find more information about MBA Degrees. Also, visit to find information about Climbing the Corporate Ladder.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Top 6 Jobs For 14-15 Year Olds

When you are 14, you may need more pocket money to buy what you like. But ,how can you earn money? so, you must get a job, not only for money, but also for experience. According to Child Labor, it's not so easy to find a job for age under 16. How to find Jobs for 14 Year Olds? if you'd like, I'll tell you the jobs you can get and how to earn money .

Teen Writer

If you are talented in writing, you could be a teen writer. And, you can get paid from magazines or websites. If you are not good at writing, you can practice writing. Write whatever you feel like writing, whether it be teen fiction or anything else. It really doesn't matter what you write, as long as you're writing.

How to start? You can try to start out writing for your school paper (articles, opinions or short stories). You could also try submitting to local writers' club anthologies & teen magazines often have a reader submissions section for poems, short stories, etc. These won't be paying jobs, but they might get you noticed. Also, if you are good at basic copywriting & layout, you can get people to pay you to prep their resumes. You'd be surprised how many people can't manage that on their own.


How can you get a babysitting job? it is not difficult to get one , just give it some time. Make flyers and put them around your church or community. If you have any daycares around your neighborhood you might want to advertise there. is a great place where you register and parents looking for babysitters look at your profile and can contact you.

In order to be successful in the babysitting business you need to know the following tips, hints, and tricks.When you're ready to go in the babysitting business, don't be afraid to ask questions about the child you will be caring for; always be prepared. Walk through the house and do a safety check. Close the doors to rooms you don't want the children in. Look for hazards such as matches, hanging electrical cords, medications or other things children can get hurt with or get into trouble with. The most important thing is that keep an eye on the kids, and don't get distracted.

Camp Counselor

For getting a job as a camp counselor, you can try your local YMCA.They may still have openings for summer counselors or assistants. Otherwise, go to your neighborhood boys and girls club. It helps to have those certifications and some do require CPR.

Although the minimum age requirement for many camp counselor jobs is 16,but if you do not meet the minimum age requirement to become a summer camp counselor, you might have the opportunity to apply for the counselor-in-training program or junior counselor positions.

As a C.I.T. (Counselor in training), you would be working but not get paid. Or even, you have to pay for your work(not all camps). It seems very unfair, the camp charges you to work there! However,it's a great way to spend the summer instead of sitting home all day, and you will be paid when you are old enough.

Be a Tutor

If you have a good understanding of one subject, you can find a job as a tutor.Try go to your local youth center. Many youth centers pay tutors for math, English, History and Science in their after-school programs.

If you'd like,ask your counselor at school if they pay tutors for after-school programs at your school.

Also, you can advertise on your own and once you get a following the word of mouth referrals will start coming in quickly. You should advertise your offer in places where parents will see the advertisement. The parents are your clients.

Grocery Bagger

More and more supermarkets and grocery have opened up in the past decade. So, they often need many part-time or full time baggers. If you'd like, you can get extra money as a bagger.

Apply to the store or stores you are interested in working at.You can call them, and ask if they need a bagger.Of course,you can also go to store to ask one by one in person.Usually, you will find a job soon.


Find a lifeguard class in your area. Most lifeguard training classes are often offered through the YMCA. If you can't find one, call your local red cross and ask them. If you can't find your local red cross, call a local pool and ask how they go about hiring lifeguards. They may have a private program. If you have a particular place you want to lifeguard, call them first to see if they have any special requirements.

Wei King is a web administrator of Jobs for 14/15 Year Olds, If you are 14/15 years old, and you want to find a job, watch my articles, these articles will help you.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Types of Jobs Can Someone Get After Studying Accounting?

An accounting major seems pretty cut and dry; the course of study will prepare a person to handle all of the situations that they come across in a career in accounting. What may surprise some people is the fact that a degree in accounting can also prepare you for several other, even higher paying jobs than just preparing someone's taxes.

Public Accountant

This is the job that people most often associate with a degree in accounting. A public accountant is usually self-employed and extraordinarily busy during the months of March and April, preparing the tax returns for individuals, couples, families and small businesses. The downside of public accounting is that it is very seasonal in nature; aside from the first quarter of the year the workload can be very lean so many public accountants have other another type of job to subsidize their income.

Private Accountants

Private accounting is a good gig, you'll most likely have your own office and you'll spend your time working on only the books from only one company. As the private accountant you'll be in charge of organizing the books for the company so you have the opportunity to make your job easier by simply being more organized.

This is a full time type of position that often pays pretty well, but you'll be responsible for more than your public accounting counterparts. The business that you are employed by will be expecting a lot from you - you'll be filing the company returns, assuring that the books are kept up to date and in order, and you'll be responsible for helping the company to avoid many financial pitfalls that can occur without the proper dedication to the position.

With the added pressure of the position will often come with added reward - as a full time employee rather than being self-employed, you'll most likely be entitled to paid sick days, paid holidays, paid vacations and a host of other benefits.

Government Accountant

There are accountants at almost every level of government - township, city, county and federal. Government accountants work to oversee all allocations of funds and financial performance of wherever they happen to be in charge of. Usually the higher up in the chain of government, the more opportunities there are available for accountants. On the federal level accountants are needed for the IRS, the Department of Exchange, as well as in the Treasury.

Government positions often offer a good level of security, very competitive pay and an excellent benefits and retirement package. The level of competition for these positions can be very high because they are among the best jobs available in the accounting field.

Internal Audit

Internal Auditors can be responsible for implementing and conducting a corporation's financial strategy. This could include elements of general accounting, conducting audits and involvement in purchasing and loss prevention. Members of an internal audit team, if they perform well, will often have the opportunity to move up into areas financial planning or even upper management.

Internal Audit may very well have the most room for growth and advancement of any of the different careers that can come from a degree in accounting, which also means that there is one of the highest earning potentials among positions available to those with accounting degrees.

Don't be fooled into thinking that an accounting degree can only lead to filing taxes for people in April; a degree in accounting can lead you to many secure and highly profitable positions in all different types of fields. The preparation you'll receive from the accounting coursework can and will prepare you for types of jobs you may never have thought possible.

Halifax College has one of the most reputable Accounting schools that will expose the students to the most relevant aspects of a paralegal career.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Truck Driving Jobs - UPS and FedEx Truck Driver Employment

You've probably heard about UPS and Fedex jobs while you've been searching for trucking employment. They're two of the best companies to work for in the freight and parcel transportation industry. There's a lot more involved with transporting a person's parcel than simply having them drop it off at a depot and walking away - though that's exactly what many of them do. The reason for this is because the process of transporting a parcel is so automated and dependable now that the customer can simply turn the whole matter over to delivery professionals knowing that the job will get done properly and dependably. United Parcel Service (UPS) has over 400,000 employees working for them in 200 countries around the world ensuring that all the millions of parcels shipped every single day get to their destinations without fail.

Many people begin their careers with UPS by working as part-time Package Handlers within the package operations divisions in their local area. This allows them to see how important it is that everyone in the company understands and is a part of the process of getting packages to their destinations. Everyone in the organization has a part to play in transporting parcels around the country or around the globe. Whether you start out as a package handler, seasonal or full-time driver or work within the management areas of the company, it's up to every employee at UPS to make sure the job gets done. Voted 'One of the best places to start a career' UPS has something for everyone with wages ranging from $9.75 an hour for part-time Package Handlers and Delivery Driver salaries that can range from $27,750 to $32,250 depending on many variables including the level of driving experience. Because the transportation of parcels and freight depends on the efficient and dependable use of trucks and other vehicles, mechanics that can ensure that all the delivery vehicles stay in top shape are also in high demand at many UPS fleet depots. Salaries for Fleet Mechanics start at $13.00 an hour and can go up to $21.75 per hour for Fleet Mechanic Supervisor positions within a depot shop.

Federal Express (now Fedex) was one of the first major international package handlers and targeted the fast-paced business community with its promise of overnight deliveries anywhere in the country. Fedex is consistently recognized for its progressive and innovative personnel policies, programs and benefit packages which help to stimulate the working environment within the organization. With over 230,000 employees working around the globe, the organization is proud of its culturally-diverse workforce. The company also has several internship programs that allow employees to start out working for the company in some of the ground-level departments to get a real feel for the way things are done in the organization. The company proudly invites employees from all cultures to become a part of its organization, enabling it to expand and grow in many diverse cultural areas around the world. Many employees for Fedex start out working in the shipping depots set up in many larger metro areas that act as central shipping facilities that parcels pass through on their way to their delivery zones. This entry-level position provides a good overview of what the whole shipping process entails and wages start at $9.25 an hour.

Unlike its other main competitors, Fedex Ground maintains a large fleet of independent trucking contractors who own and maintain their own vehicles and work hard to grow their business endeavors within the Fedex group of companies. If you have your own delivery truck, this position within the organization will allow you to enjoy a dependable source of income and earn more than enough to easily keep yourself in business with the company. Independent Trucking Contractors working for Fedex can expect to earn anywhere from $14.00 to $17.50 an hour with a per mile percentage bonus being given to help offset delivery costs as well.

Getting a package handling job with UPS or FEDEX is a great way to start a delivery career. With operations in over 200 countries around the world, both offer highly competitive compensation for trucker jobs Lisa Jenkins, a freelance career writer for JobMonkey, covers the topics of trucking jobs including local truck driving jobs, Oil Sands truck driving jobs and diesel mechanic jobs The website is free and includes an active job board.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Steve Jobs and Dr Martin Luther King Jr

The other day, I was having a conversation with a fellow philosopher, John Altmann about Steve Jobs and how he made his dream come true, changing our society, and changing the world, while building one of the largest companies by market-cap in the world. That's a pretty amazing story, although the story was cut short, but his vision lives on doesn't it? Okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we?

How did he do it? What was his secret sauce? What made him the man he was, a visionary with big dreams, even as big as Martin Luther King for instance. Well, he certainly had a dream - didn't he, yes he did.

Indeed, yes he did, and also let's not forget human will, perseverance, and proving one's self to themselves. Remember, and I know you like myself are probably ho-hum on past period philosophers or dead-white-men named and referenced historical psychologists, but since Steve Jobs had no real father figure, he had to invent himself, and it is said that one without a father figure around at early stages is always trying to prove themselves worthy, thus, "may" end up creating a "super ego" and nothing wrong with that "if' it is earned - Steve Jobs did earn it, so I have no problem with it. He's okay, we're okay too.

In fact, we are all okay and better for it today, see that point. It's hard to say what makes a man so strong, so determined, so driven, unwilling to give up, quit, or throw in the towel, what makes them tick we wonder. Well, I know from personal experience, about being driven, but what can we learn from great people - folks like Steve Jobs in the near present period, and there aren't very many of these outliers who stand out - and those from past periods, perhaps like Dr. Martin Luther King?

Why not use their mystique, historical reference, notoriety, strength of character, and inspiration to help us overcome our own obstacles in life. Look what they did, surely if we try to emulate such greatness we can move ahead in our own lives as well. They both battled the odds, and had a vision for a better tomorrow, and their dreams and vision has shaped, re-shaped our nation, society, civilization, and has had ripple effects globally. I'd say those are lives well lived. So how about you, what are you going to do with your life? Make it great - emulate.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.


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