Saturday, August 27, 2011

Career Selection

School days are one of the best days in one's life. One is not burdened with responsibility and has only one job to do - study and get good grades. As one advances into adult age, thinking of a career gets imperative. Because today the education arena has developed so far that training begins right after matriculation.

For instance graphic designing, gardening, bachelors in management studies, bachelors in mass media and many more are options one can immerse into just after school. If one opts to regular college, then after 2 years again there is sea of options. Engineering, medicine, management studies, clinical studies and so on. As these careers need a 10+2 education.

After graduating from a normal college that is 10+5 in India, one then has to make a decision as to which career he or she needs to plunge in. There are many careers that need a graduation as a minimum requirement these days.

But as a smart student like most of the new millennium, you should think of your career when you are in school itself. Make a case study of the various options available. Understand the market scenario. Just do not pick a career because your neighbour or your friend is doing so. Do your groundwork. There is a sea of knowledge you can dig into that is available on the internet books and the best source is your folks at home and your teachers.

If you are really interested they will help you dig and understand your personality and the job that will be best for you. For instance if you are an extrovert and love to travel then a desk job will bore you. You cannot be a librarian or an indoor worker. You would be good as a marketing person or a sales person. If you are good with people and love to be around new people and make new friends look into the Human Resources career. It would pacify you and keep you there.

Unlike people who jump jobs and careers because they are not happy with what they do. Hence understand your personality and you will be able to understand the career you want.

Find out more about accounting career and clinical research career on these links



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