Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Employment - Turn your weaknesses into strengths

One of the most difficult to resolve for many people, in an interview with what are your professional weaknesses. It 's a difficult question to answer honestly, because I tell the interviewer that there is something that can not be good. The way to answer this question honestly and effectively is your weakness into a strength. Is there a way, this is used too often, but wants to be avoided.
Many people believe that related to electionsEmployer of a weakness that sound good that they can avoid the question can be answered honestly. Answers like "I'ma perfectionist" and "I'm a workaholic, trying to insinuate that their weakness makes them appear to be a good candidate for the job are. However, these types of answers to frequently act as arrogant and not are actually a response from everyone.
The purpose of this request is to inform the interviewer that you are confident and that you know andunderstand your limits, and that minimize the adverse effects of your weaknesses.
To transform your weakness into strength, must be accepted before you have a real weakness. You must be able to demonstrate that you try and overcome the weakness, or at least improve, the area of ​​performance.
For example, suppose your greatest weakness is your organizational skills are not the best. This may at first glance like a bigProblem. However, you can turn around and looks very good. One way to do that is to say that the organization is not something you are naturally good, and as a result, it is getting an extra effort to stay organized.
Another way to answer this question is to do in terms of job you are interviewing. If you do not have an important skill, the work is relevant, follow this by explaining that you are committed to quickly acquire this ability. This isa good strategy, especially for young job seekers looking for their first appointment.
It 'important that you admit your weaknesses, and follow that with your plans to overcome them. The interviewer will be impressed with his honesty and the fact that we need the motivation and commitment to improve your work habits.



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