Thursday, October 15, 2009

Job Performance and Satisfaction

The trial, the nature of job satisfaction and to understand its impact on job performance, it is not easy. For at least 50 years industrial and organizational psychologists have wrestled with the question of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Researchers have demonstrated a considerable outlay in experiments that the two are positively related in a special way: a happy employee must be a good worker. That soundsa very appealing idea, the results are mixed in the empirical literature to support the hypothesis that job satisfaction leads to better performance, or even that there is a reliable positive correlation between these two variables. On the other hand, say some researchers that the results are not as meaningful in relation to the hypothesis that there is no such link. As a result of this ambiguity, this relationship is to research and to stimulate re-examination of theprevious attempts. This paper aims to describe the relationship between job satisfaction and performance, taking into account the value of this relationship has for organizations.

Job satisfaction is a complex and multidimensional concept that means different things to different people. Job satisfaction can be generally associated with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is unclear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. "Job satisfaction is an attitude, ainternal state. It could be placed, for example, with a sense of personal achievement, in conjunction, either quantitatively or qualitatively. "Over the last few years on job satisfaction has become stronger with the more comprehensive approaches to improving job design and organization of work processes and the quality of working life movement.

The relationship between performance and job satisfaction is a matter of continuing debate and controversy. One view, associated with the earlyhuman relations approach is that satisfaction leads to performance. The other view is that performance leads to satisfaction. However, interpreting a variety of studies suggest that research has a limited relationship between satisfaction and job performance and found to offer little comfort to those who confirm that a satisfied employee is a productive book. Turnover and absenteeism are often associated with dissatisfaction, but although it certainly has some connection there are manyother possible factors. No universal generalizations about worker dissatisfaction is that offer simple solutions to the problems of turnover and absenteeism. The study suggests that it is primarily in the area of job design, where the opportunity for a constructive improvement in satisfaction is the employee level.

Individual performance is generally determined by three factors. Motivation is the desire to do the work, the ability, the ability to work,and doing the work environment, tools, materials and information needed to work. If an employee lacks the capacity can provide training of managers or workers to replace. If there is an ecological problem, the manager can make adjustments in general also to promote greater performance. But if the motivation is the problem, the manager has the task more difficult. Individual behavior is a complex phenomenon, and the manager is not in a position to find out, why the employees are not motivated andHow to change the behavior. Thus, the motivation plays a crucial role, since they could adversely affect performance and because of its intangible nature.

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