Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good Paying Jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan - Get the Facts

Sure the economy is bad and a lot of people are out of work but the fact remains that there are still plenty of good paying jobs out there. Take jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan for instance, where war and strife have left so much devastation in their wake.

They Have the Money

At last count Iraq had well over eighty billion dollars in their surplus accounts to pay for rebuilding. Bear in mind thats only the money in surplus and doesn't take into account future oil revenues that are due to come in.

Low Tech and High Tech Jobs

After decades of neglect under the regime of Saddam Hussein, many of those years under an oil embargo, Iraq's massive oil infrastructure is in dire shape. This means years and possibly even decades of well paying jobs for pipe fitters, electricians and welders just to name a few.

Private Security Workers

Then of course, there are the jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan that involve private security. Right now there are over 200,000 private security workers in Iraq alone and as rebuilding in Afghanistan steps up so too with the need for private security workers there as well.

Prepare in Advance

The first thing that you need to do if you are serious about landing a well paying job in Iraq and Afghanistan is to get a passport and get your resume in order. Also, it doesn't hurt to learn a little of the native language as well as some of their customs.

Look Online

Then get busy looking online, because that is where you are going to have your best chances at finding one. Also, bear in mind that these types of jobs often require that you commit yourself to an extended contract, so give it plenty of thought before you sign on.

Written by Derek Drekland. I encourage you to visit my website to find more info on high paying overseas jobs plus jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan


Monday, April 2, 2012

Jobs Hiring in My Area - How to Search Jobs in Your Area?

Many people ask friends and relatives about jobs hiring in my area but do not get a helpful answer to their question. The reason is; like you, other people also are not aware of the jobs hiring happening in and around. The knowledge that we all possess is somehow same and without any solid source, no one would be able to tell you about the openings. If you want to search jobs in your area, then stop asking others and take a step forward to some sources which exclusively provide the job openings in the area you live an outside also.

There are many sources which are readily available in the market to search jobs and are cheap too. You do not think that it would cost you dollars to search for a good job. Just remember that companies look for and hire professional for their work and for this, they can't charge money from you, rather they pay the amount for advertising etc.

Here are some sources that can really assist you with finding jobs hiring in your area:

1. Newspapers and magazines:

· The daily newspaper that we read has a separate section for job openings in which different companies place their ads for vacancies. The position and the eligibility along with the job description is mentioned in the ad. Here you can easily find the companies that are hiring people. Date of interview and contact details, everything is mentioned.

· Similarly, several business magazines and general magazines have ads of the companies that are hiring and your question of jobs hiring in my area is solved.

2. Internet - Internet has the widest range of all the jobs that are being offered by the companies and your job search will surely give you high benefits. All you need to do is google search and there would be a list of number of jobs with specific area too.

3. Some other sources of finding jobs are Hoardings and kaosks. Jobs fair that are held twice a year where top companies participate to find the best candidate.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jobs Hiring in My Area - The Best High Paying Jobs


So you are asking yourself, Where are all the high paying jobs hiring in my area, there used to be so many great jobs hiring in my area and now they are all gone. Well don't sweat it! Times have changed, the population has grown and unemployment has never been higher, in other words, you now have a lot more competition when it comes to hunting for jobs in your own local area.

There are hundreds of jobs hiring in my area everyday, just as there is in your area, you're just looking in all the wrong places. The jobs I am talking about will hire you faster than you can blink, pay you more money than you ever imagined and better still there are no set hours or travel to and from work. So sit back and meet your new dream job, getting hired today and earning top money is about to become a reality for you.


When the jobs hiring in my area dried up about seven years ago I turned to the internet to see what job opportunities there were online. And im pretty glad I did. I discovered that there were market research companies out there just itching to pay me big money for my humble opinion on various products and services.

In fact some of these "Free to Join" survey companies will pay you $75 just for taking a fifty minute survey. The best part is that if you join the right survey companies, there is an unlimited number of surveys to take and an unlimited amount of money you can earn. Completing online surveys would have to be one of the easiest jobs you will ever have. It is mostly clicking yes or no questions and occasionally typing in some answers. It's so easy even teens do them!

You simply join half a dozen reputable survey companies and wait for the surveys to roll in. The more surveys you do the more they send you. Your personal details are always kept confidential and you do not get bombarded with offers or spam once you join, it's very professional. But a word of caution! Joining the wrong survey companies will leave you broke and disheartened so it pays to do your research first like I did. However, by joining the right ones you will be seriously in the money.

At my website you can grab a free list of the very best survey companies to join. These are the best high paying jobs you will ever find. When it comes to finding jobs hiring in my area you simply wont find a better list of jobs anywhere else. Come take a peek at your new dream job now.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Jobs on Oil Rigs For Women - The Truth About the Rig Industry

Traditionally a male dominated industry, jobs on oil rigs are becoming increasingly popular with women looking to further their chosen career or just keen to get a job offshore that offers amazing pay and some pretty impressive holiday benefits.

There is no doubt that rigs are difficult places to work whatever your sex. Extreme conditions and dangerous, difficult, physically demanding jobs make life on the rigs a challenge. Despite their increasing popularity, women are still a minority in where jobs on oil rigs are concerned. A rig of 200 might expect to see 3-5 women crew members.

What jobs are suitable?

Well, the simple answer is that depends on your physique. If you're used to lifting 100kg blocks all day, fine with heights, willing to put your fingers (and your life) at risk everyday then every job is suitable. However, if that's not you, firecrews and first aiders are an excellent jobs on oil rigs for women.

What can I expect as a woman on the rigs?

1. Rightly, there will be no exceptions made for the fact that you're female. That means you'll work as hard as the men, some women say that they work harder to try and prove themselves and this isn't uncommon.

2. Expect some sexism. This is a generalisation but it's bound to be present with such a massive percentage of men to women. You'll need to be tough and stand your ground and prove yourself.

3. Expect some attention. Rig workers are on the rigs for long periods at a time with no other female company. You'll be likely to get a lot of attention so you'll need to be able to carry yourself and take the stick you'll get on the chin. Thick skin is a great attribute.

Go prepared, get as much information as possible, and keep smiling and your time on the rigs could become an amazing career. Make sure you speak to the experts for assistance on getting the job you deserve fast.

I'm Charlie Harrington and I specialise in finding people their next (or their first) oil rig jobs Find out what jobs on oil rigs are suitable for you and start earning the salary you deserve today.


Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Reject a Job Offer Politely

Is it really that hard to reject a job offer? Well, for some, it could be easy, but for others, it could be very difficult. The ultimate ingredient for rejecting a job offer politely can be summed up in this article.

Here are some of the most effective ways to reject a job offer:

1. Be honest with your reasons - Always be honest during declination or rejection of a job offer. Employers can really sense how truthful you are. Never lie in any company. This will just bring you in so much trouble. Be honest with your reasons or else you may be blacklisted by certain companies. Rejecting a job offer is not bad. If it is really beyond your capabilities and abilities, then you should be honest with it. Always decline an offer politely and gracefully so that it will be easier for you to go back in that same company anytime. This can eventually tighten your profile in the future.

2. Be thankful and be appreciative for the offer - Always be thankful that the company has chosen to give you a job offer out of the many candidates that are dying to be in that position. Always remember how to be grateful in anything. You should consider it as one of your great blessings. Although you are not capable of accepting the job, it is still important that you show great respect to the company's offer. Be appreciative and be apologetic. Some people can be very rude. They tempt to avoid phone calls and emails from certain employers.

3. Be firm with your decision - Be firm with your decisions all the time. If you choose to reject and decline a job offer, then you should show your employer that you are really true about rejecting it. Be firm with your reasons and never ever assume nor pretend. Never give false reassurance such as stating false hopes that maybe; you will be joining the company in the near future. Always be firm. You do not have any right to fool any company that offers you big time.

Declining a job offer can be one of the toughest decisions you will ever make in your entire life. You really need a lot of courage and confidence to face a company that offers you something good. Well, you definitely know who you are. If you are not really that interested, then you can reject it in a nice and polite way.

Elizabeth is a passionate writer. She has been writing online articles for three years now. You can check out her latest article luggage suitcase and Dakine luggage on her website.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Welding Jobs That Pay the Most

Underwater welders and those who are qualified to weld , inspect welds, or teach welding overseas in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan generally  make more money than any other welding job. But aside from underwater welding and overseas welding jobs, a skilled welder with his own rig and who can pass any welding test has a better chance of the highest pay. There have even been reports of pipe welders with their own rig making $100 per hour at times.

But not everyone is ready to run their own rig. Some welders just prefer to make a good hourly wage using someone else's materials and equipment without the responsibility and headaches that come with running your own welding business.

For those welders who fall into this category, here is list of the best paying welding jobs:

  • UAW Union Journeyman Tool and Die welders can make up to 30 dollars an hour.

  • Certified union pipe welders with the UA (United Association of pipefitters and plumbers) this includes pipeliner welders (even though they are definitely a different breed) are among the highest paid welders.

  • Certified union  boilermaker welders make a good hourly wage.

  • So do Certified union shipyard welders.

  • Aerospace/Aviation welders who work for an Airline command a good wage ($25-30 per hour plus benefits)

How much  welding jobs pay all depends on demand, location, and how strong the union contracts are. Right to work states tend to pay less.

Some other high paying welding jobs are:

Building and metal trades such as in the Ironworkers, Millwrights, and sheet metal workers. (and even the Carpenters and Electricians have some welders.)

You may have noticed the word "union" sprinkled in an awful lot. There is a good reason for that...It is because some things never change. Union jobs pay better. Plain and simple. If you want to get the highest paying welding jobs, do what you need to to get in the union.  Sure, you may have to travel, work in remote areas, work in rough conditions, and sometimes even around some rough people.

Having said that, its still worth it.

For more articles on subjects like the Shortage of Welders and for lots of Down and Dirty TIG, MIG, STICK welding tips along with a pantload of other welding information, visit http://www.weldingtipsandtricks.com/


Friday, March 23, 2012

List of Good Paying Jobs That Don't Require a College Education

There are plenty of good paying jobs that doesn't require a college education. It's funny because when I was in high school I thought that you need a college education to "succeed in real life". You know what the high school teachers say to kids? "Do well in school or else you'll be flipping burgers for rest of your life".

But you know what? That is just a scare tactic and high school teachers like to use. And believe it or not, college is just a cash cow and it helps the economy.

And guess what? Good paying jobs that doesn't require a college degree are plentiful -- and it does not have to involve skilled labor. You think I'm going to tell you to get a skilled labor job right? Nope.

One way to get a good paying job is to work at the casino. Why? Because a casino is a very stable company -- it is not going anywhere soon. You have to work your way up, from a dealer working at the game tables to a supervisor to a "pit boss" (which is like a manager)

Another good job is to work for yourself. You can easily do this by making money on the Internet with affiliate marketing, or you can sell stuff on eBay.

There are now 1.3 million people in the United States right now that are making a full-time living on eBay. Most of them are just "average Joes and Janes". So it's not that hard because any average Joe can start making money on eBay with very little startup money. And believe me, Ebay is a very good "job" that you can create for yourself.

To be honest with you, making money on the Internet during your spare time is easy if you know what to do. Come to my website and grab my free report, "Newbie $2500/month Income System". I'm not trying to sell you anything but rather hope you learn how to make money on the Internet so you'll never be broke again.

Grab the "Newbie $2500/month Income System" report here: http://kennubo.com/collegemoney

I've been making money on the Internet since 2006, and I'm a nobody. Maybe you're a nobody. Nobodys can still make money on the Internet. Maybe you just want to make $50-100 a day on the Internet. That's doable, it's not that hard if you know what to do. Click on my website to get started: http://kennubo.com/collegemoney


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